Why they want to sell them to Tesla? Ignoring that Nissan has nothing to offer to them (chademo? LOL), all Elmo is going to do is fire everyone and run the company to the ground. Any toddler can do that.
It's a weak defense because the clients still exchanged metadata with other clients, plus there's the big issue of using the copyrighted works for their own profit, and not just archiving/preservation/personal use
Where now are the copyright trolls that sued regular students for millions of dollars for downloading 30 songs?
Under federal law, the recording companies were entitled to $750 to $30,000 per infringement. But the law allows as much as $150,000 per track if the jury finds the infringements were willful.
Let me see:
- At least 100 million of books pirated
- infringements were willful
So, a 15k billion dollars fine seem appropriate to give to Meta AND criminal sentences to all the c suite.
Or: apply the same rules to regular people and allow unlimited copyright violations without consequences
TL;DR: you pay $250 to let someone else install a custom ROM on the pixel tablet
Do you think he got obscenely wealthy paying armies of people?
He's famous for firing people, not hiring
Possono costruire quante stazioni di ricarica vogliono, ma finché eni e enel fanno cartello e rivendono la corrente a 1 euro a kwh, non le userà nessuno.
Beh sono stato sia a Miami sia a Orlando (città dove c'è Disney world) e almeno il trasporto pubblico a Miami c'è e funzionicchia relativamente bene rispetto al resto delle città americane, ho potuto raggiungere anche zone non proprio turistiche. Anche meglio di molti capoluoghi di provincia italiani. A Orlando invece è praticamente inesistente. In centro ci sono solo 4 linee di bus in croce e se vuoi andare coi mezzi pubblici a Disney world c'è solo un bus per i dipendenti che passa alle 6 di mattina. Meno male che il greyhound da Miami arrivava alle 4. Per tornare indietro però ho dovuto elemosinare un passaggio in auto altrimenti o camminavo per 10+ km o aspettavo fino a notte inoltrata.
È un po' un paradosso prendere come esempio un parco letteralmente costruito in una palude in mezzo al nulla che è raggiungibile esclusivamente guidando mezzi privati per ore
Protect from accidental data damage: for example the dev might have accidentally pushed an untested change where there's a space in the path
rm -rf / ~/.thatappconfig/locatedinhome/nothin.config
a single typo that will wipe the whole drive instead of just the app config (yes, it happened, I remember clearly more a decade ago there was a commit on GitHub with lots of snarky comments on a script with such a typo)
Also: malicious developers that will befriend the honest dev in order to sneak an exploit.
Those scripts need to be universal, so there are hundreds of lines checking the Linux distro and what tools are installed, and ask the user to install them with a package manager. They require hours and hours of testing with multiple distros and they aren't easy to understand too... isn't it better to use that time to simply write a clear documentation how to install it?
Like: "this app requires to have x, y and z preinstalled. [Instructions to install said tools on various distros], then copy it in said subdirectory and create config in ~/.ofcourseinhome/"
It's also easier for the user to uninstall it, as they can follow the steps in reverse
Yes, that URL doesn't seem a biased outlet
Eh good luck selling it with a locked bootloader, lots of bloatware preinstalled, without Google apps AND an update planned for next month that will remove completely the possibility of running any android app
List of applications that depended on it:
GitHub? It was open source? Or it used their service as just free file storage for binaries? (Against TOS)