
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Whenever the interest rate is higher on the app, or the price is discounted or whatever, I assume the price difference is being made up by harvesting and selling my data. This is reinforced by the fact that most apps are designed like total shit, offering a worse experience than a web browser. Therefore the only reason I can speculate they made an app at all was because apps offer a larger hole in our integument through which they can sneak.

I don't buy the security argument at all, it's all just "rot economy" nonsense. I am old enough to have deposited paper checks physically to a bank teller. They would scrutinize the details and more than once I was challenged over minor discrepancies. This was less convenient than electronic processes but it no way was it less secure. Info moved with difficulty then, but that included theft. Laws regarding warrants and surveillance were very clear cut and relatively strict compared to their digital equivalents. I don't think people who lived before the surveillance age realize just how much privacy has eroded. There was a time when having all your private data stolen was a huge deal. Now I've lost count of how many court-ordered "Identity Protection" services I've been offered by companies with terrible security practices, many of which I never directly did business with at all.

I haven't totally chucked apps like the dude in the story but I get it. FOSS apps are my compromise.

[–] 13 points 3 days ago

Yum brands portfolio is such a rogues' gallery of poisonous garbage, god damn. What a cancer on humanity.

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

KDEnlive is improving, however Resolve is still more powerful and mature. That said, DaVinci's business model seems precarious. It feels like they could, at any moment, enshittify Resolve and force users into a subscription just to maintain access to old edits. I think for that reason KDEnlive is better for almost all users. If you are a professional filmmaker then the color and vfx workflows of Resolve are probably worth paying for, but in that case it's probably a FinalCut vs Resolve question anyway.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Or ever say "goodbye".

[–] 4 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

This one is pretty obscure but I feel like it fits this question.

For people who don't know deep meme lore, YTMND was/is a site where people uploaded extremely short audio clips and images/gifs that went together. This all sprouted from a short clip of Sean Connery saying "You're the man now, dog!" in the movie Finding Forester. Here's the Know Your Meme page. Sometimes these were funny, sometimes they were artful and surreal, sometimes they were meta, usually they were just stupid.

One day back in the stone ages I was browsing the site and I found this one:

(CW racism):


I have to say it struck me. I reverse image searched the painting and discovered it's by an artist named Slowinski whose work is explicitly about fucked up shit in American society. In this case obesity, lotteries, a terrible food supply, etc. are literally murdering a black man but its presented like a carnival attraction. The music seems so fitting to me because it mimicked both how "Black is Beautiful" and Black American art fights against the narrative but is also co opted by capitalism to push the exact same poison. I even thought, "Wow, the name is a play on the N word but also its homophone which means someone who is miserly, perhaps additional commentary?" Fucking excellent, especially for YTMND.

So I clicked the little "source" icon in the corner to see if the author had some insight on this and it's literally just some kid who slowed down the song, thought it sounded like a "fat black guy", and googled that then posted the image. Well fuck.

I wouldn't say it's a masterpiece but I still remember it, especially the irony of it, and it was a fucking YTMND of all things, so I guess that counts for something.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

Wonder what ol' Dooky Chute is up to these days.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago

It's just a grift so I doubt that will happen unfortunately. They're just going to be used for military parades, Elon will have one with humongous fascist flags on the front, and the rest will sit rusting in some field on an army base.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The movie "The Peanut Butter Solution".

Apparently the whole thing in on Youtube. Here is a link specifically to the scene that was in my memories but I couldn't remember what it was from, or if it was real (32:47):

Warning it's bizarre and gross. It's a kids film so nothing about it is actually obscene or violent, but something about the texture of this movie makes everything bizarre and gross. It's like a shag rug in a barber shop.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

It was the city of Elbing in the German Empire, now known as Elbląg and located in Poland.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

My great, great Grandma was an illegal immigrant from a country that no longer exists and a city that is now in Poland, though she spoke and considered herself German. So where would I go, modern Germany? Poland? Neither would take me. So probably just sent to die at a work camp.

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

This reminds me of the Blaster Worm back in the early 2000s. Infected users had to patch their PC without the internet, because connecting is what would cause you to reboot (so many PCs were infected it was basically instant). I worked at a computer store and we burned a bunch of patch CDs and were giving them out like hotcakes. My boss decided to slap a price tag on them for a day or two but we convinced him the good will was worth the cost and he eventually made it free again. People were fucking pissed off and handing out the free CD made them very grateful.

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