from the autopsy of one of the first buttheads raised in captivity
joined 2 years ago
Zinkel's wingless stellar wasp. (The winged variety are really impressive.)
🎵 Ooh fuucck
I see he's got a rock
Go go Gornzilla 🎵
🎶 yEEaaAahh 🎶
🎵 Oh geee
There goes Cestus III
Go go Gornzilla 🎵
🎶 yEEaaAahh 🎶
🔫 This ain't your dAdDy'S phonecall! 🚨
💥 This is a phonecall from J-j-j-john Smiiiiiiith! 📯 💣
🐐 Bringing you the latest up-to-date news from the 📣 Coolest Assistant Manager At Pizza Huuuuuuut 😱
👾 So can you come in EaR-eAr-EaRlY on M-m-m-monday moOoorniiiiiing? 🐮
That is CLEARLY a joveseat
Yes, he smoked pipeweed while bicycling through the shire. Sadly he was cut out of canon when Disney bought out the franchise
Better yet, she only had to pay for one wedding!
"We're being hailed by the Orville; it's Commander Skywalker, sir."
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They wouldn't be called "Monday," usually, but across countless civilizations there are going to be ones with prescribed time periods in which one must return to work from a period of rest or play (and which is not regarded positively).
Put simply, it is always Monday in space.