Ah yes, the "world tour" where two thirds of them are in the USA and the rest in central Europe...
What we actually need is a ban on exclusivity. There aren't nearly as many complaints about music streaming services because most music is on all of them.
Plus if more TV and movies were on multiple streaming services, they'd have to start competing on service instead of exclusive content and maybe actually improve the experience...
Scientific progress goes "boink"?
It's worth clarifying that it's the Divinity: Original Sin games that are similar style CRPGs, and I'm assuming you mean Original Sin 2.
There is a game called Divinity 2, but it's wildly different (I still love it though)
Sounds like someone didn't read the full article:
Mona’s legal team will be relying on the tribunal’s interpretation of section 26 of Tasmania’s Anti-Discrimination Act, under which a person is permitted to discriminate against another person in a situation designed to promote equal opportunity for a group of people who are disadvantaged or have a special need because of a prescribed attribute – in this case gender.
It is under clauses like this in most of Australia’s anti-discrimination legislation that organisations such as male-only clubs and women-only gyms are able to operate.
Nope, you can find them in missions as well, just in smaller amounts
The size of donkeys dicks, or the size of whole donkeys?
You mean the Republicans' favourite band, Ben Ghazi and the Buttery Males?
Sure there is, they could have not built it on Arch Linux
Just drop the M - GPH/gallons per hundred is just as short and easy to say as MPG.
In Australia we say "litres per hundred", there's no point specifying kilometres because what else would it be?