Install time? Startup time? Useless bloat?
It is, but the tellings I have heard of the Peter Principal generally have the incompetence leveling off at some lower strata where they can no longer do the job well so they don't advance any further.
The unspoken implication of Icahn's advancement theory is that management doesn't really do much of importance in these companies, basically any idiot can rise to the top. Of course that's not true, people can always actively undermine their own success, so they at least have to be smart enough to not do that.
Highly successful CEO I met over dinner once had this to say about his outstanding company growth performance: 1) it wasn't him, it was luck of being in the right place at the right time and not screwing it up too badly. 2) The hardest thing was choosing who to hire. If at least half of his new hire choices didn't actively make things worse, he considered that to be a good batch.
The ultimate answer:
They have been making these things for decades, they know how to make them better, they know how to make them more durable, they know how to making them even simpler to use and fix, they choose not to, for profit. That should be structurally discouraged.
Charge the manufacturers for the FULL, REAL environmental impact of shipping materials and end of life disposal of their products. Yes, that cost will be passed to the consumers, as it should be. It also rewards sale of more durable goods.
For clarity, I have done it myself - plenty, but not just on Unix boxes.
I had a remote relay box: 8 channels of power control, so I could at least power cycle machines from remote when all else failed.
I actually ended up not using it much at all, it was a nice security blanket, but the last time I decided that I wanted to power cycle something was about 6 years ago, and at that time I realized it had been over 3 years since I had previously used it, and that usage was more of a "let's make sure this thing is working like I think it should" test.
It's not Unix, it's you.
My org recently declared that all remote access to "Office" must be through OS-X or Windows for "security reasons." So, they put a check on browser IDs and if your browser IDs as being on Linux, they harass you for password re-entry every 90 seconds. Of course, Chrome Network Conditions tab allows you to choose what your browser IDs itself as running on...
Back in the 1990s I developed an app over the course of 6 years, first 3 in C/DOS then we ported that to C++/Borland/Win95 and continued developing it for another 3 years. I was the only coder, we had a dedicated tester / documentation specialist and the algorithms lead who was more of an idea guy than any hands-on code work.
We got bought out. Buyers "needed it in native Win32 because of the depth of the talent pool." Whatever, I'm here to help if they want it during porting. Buyers estimated 2 developers could port it in about 2-3 months. Yeah, o.k. Never asked for help, but at 6 months in they had expanded the dev team to 6 guys and were still struggling and looking to hire more. Ultimately they reduced scope a little and called it "ready to use" in Win32 after about 15 months. Glad they got it "maintainable" by switching to that Win32 dev environment with such a deep talent pool to hire from, they easily spent more man hours on the port than we spent developing it in the first place.
you can also solve your examole choice by gun grabbing ans shooting the guy if he lets you take it.
Ah, but that wouldn't be mutually beneficial, would it?
Also, this didn't take long:
Some federal employees who accepted Trump’s buyout offer are now being notified that their buyout has been denied, and they are being terminated instead.
There are some offsetting factors that also prevent the "best and brightest" from rising to power:
He moves up the corporate ladder, without a single original idea that might make his boss feel threatened by his potential.
Eventually, he gets to be the #2 guy at the company. He's a little dumber than the C.E.O., but the board likes him, so he eventually gets to be C.E.O.
Of course, he assigns a #2 who is a little dumber than he is. "And eventually, we're going to have all morons running our companies," Icahn concluded. "We might not be that far off from that right now."
Sounds like they're slipping cloud based AI assistance into the deal, which is the opposite of what Notepad is "good" for.