The world is governed by the United States of Earth, established after a devastating war in the 1970s between the Western Powers and the Eastern Bloc (the Soviet Union and its satellite states as well as Communist China and its satellites). The West won the conflict with the aid of Lunetta, an orbiting space station that dropped nuclear missiles on the Soviet Union.
I'm onboard. Some stories we might miss but yes, I'd prefer quality over quantity.
Just because homeless men had the card doesn't mean they stole it or didn't. Perhaps someone wanted something to trade the dboy, knowing the risks of CC fraud and tossed the bag, homeless guys happened upon it and decided on a whim to try the card. Maybe after shock and excitement wore off, or they thought it through or a buddy pointed out their dilemma, they said bump it.
Maybe some random finds the discarded ticket and takes it to the guy, asks for a cut, which they may or not get, maybe the victim doesn't get any money either and the money goes back in the pot.
We have to take back our power and independence as much as possible. We have to demand the right to do that, relentlessly.
I hope societies don't go cashless. Power outages, website crashes and glitches, not to mention other things.
From a comment on the same topic elsewhere that disappeared:
and what allowed the Confederated States of America to coalesce into a feudal terror state.
It's what the whole continent was founded upon. I came upon a news item last night about a slave graveyard a man discovered after having bought a property in South Carolina. When he realized he was looking at graves, he (at his own expense) called in professionals to help locate and another to make headstones. He said he had allowed some people to come in and see the work and was talking to a group where he referenced "forced labor camps" and a woman learned in and told him, "Honey, those were plantations," and he told her yes, forced labor camps, because it's important not to kid ourselves about our history. My heart swelled to know there is kindness clarity in the heart of of someone in the Deep South who had the funds to come out of pocket to do as much as his family can reasonably afford, to give (some? 144, iirc) of those people what dignity he could give, even posthumously.
Sure, hard work is necessary to survive, sometimes more and sometimes less. That's why it is an honor to give back where we can, and a moral Imperative to strive to make a good a life we can for everyone as best we can, and as more* or less as necessary, while giving everyone the best tools at their disposal to make the most of themselves, while also doing our best to help re-educate and re-habilitate as many as possible, and leave humane institutionalization for those we fail, always striving to do better, more. It's a tall order and the survival of our species is, now or less, dependent on that.
We can not eliminate all suffering or acts of nature. We can work hard and vigilantly to minimize it. It's a tall order, and it starts with ourselves and our own values. And maybe taking time for deep reflection of who we are and what steroids we can take within our means to get there, then working together with individuals who have similar values.
Some instances aren't federated. And people have accounts on various instances for various reasons.
So organize it.
And? Time to get out of the safe space because they're being taken anyway.
Well step up and do it then.
I'm hooked. Examples?
Good. I hope this makes everyone more politically thoughtful and active