
joined 1 year ago
[–] 13 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)
[–] 0 points 1 month ago

But that is my exact point, the only thing op is saying is that hate speech (along other edge cases) is protected by free speech. Which is true and doesn't mean op agrees with it.

It could be interpreted as "you can't touch me, I am protected by free speech", or "remember that some seemingly innocent laws also protect some very douchy behaviors". Which one YOU decide to interpret it is on you.

Either way, there is an interesting conversation to be had around the law, who is it there to protect, why, and what the limits should be. But instead that comment decided to say that "it doesn't force the rest to agree with you" and claim that it makes op a racist. Just an irrelevant "feel good" argument and an ad hominem attack to shut down a conversation on a more than ever important subject.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (6 children)

What you interpret as me changing sides is just me agreeing with the relevant arguments you make.

You are the only one assuming my thoughts here. All I am saying since the beginning is that your argument doesn't contradict op's meme. It is not a false statement, I never said as such, it simply doesn't contradict it, and using it to imply that op is racist is the issue at hand.

Freedom of speech does protect hate speech, that's an issue with it, and it merits to be discussed. Every right comes with drawbacks, and closing the discution in favor of circlejerking is never a good idea.

On that note I'm getting tired of this discussion too, so I'll stop there. Once again, I do not have a grudge against you or your ideas, I just hate seeing falacious arguments beeing aplauded all the time, but I guess that's unavoidable on social medias, no matter which. Have a nice day, and ty for this conversation.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)

I have not backtracked on anything... My very first comment explicitly says that "It protects you against SOME consequences (then I proceed to list some as an example)", which obviously implies that some others aren't protected by it... I also never mentionned who would be enforcing it...

I didn't care which consequences you thought about, and still don't. It's not what my comments are about. My issue with your comment is you saying that freedom of speech doesn't protect hate speech because it doesn't give you freedom from ALL consequences. But freedom of speech gives the same protection to hate speech as any other form of speech.

I would have the same to say if that comment was : " -Freedom of speech includes talking about minorities oppression -Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences you woke bastard " Or any other topic.

I think I would agree with you on a lot of ideas, but using fallacious arguments is never helpfull.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (10 children)

In a way... I admit that ALL types of free speech when used can have SOME consequences.

The issue I have with your original statement is that you put all consequences in the same basket... With that logic you can say that freedom to vote does not mean freedom from consequences, therefore you can't complain that I try to indimidate anyone if front of the booth

[–] -4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (12 children)

Yes, there are, some fairly harmless, some much more impactfull. Getting a dislike from a comment is a consequence, although very benign. Getting boycotted or banned from a platform is another consequence, which could be quite devastating.

[–] -5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (27 children)

It does mean freedom from a lot of consequences though, like getting harassed, beaten or incarcerated, or anything else beeing covered by law. In that sense, it does cover hate speech, in all its forms, that doesn't make op racist in any way...

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Pokemon TCG Pocket

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Gameplay wise, it is a dumbed down version of the physical card game. It is mostly there to scratch that collector's itch that their other digital release didn't fullfill, and to provide fast and straight forward matches.

You don't have to buy anything on paper, but you'll be heavily incentivised to do so, thanks to the usual mobile game and live service shenanigans.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Oui, pour une raison ou pour une autre libreoffice (tout comme son acolyte propriétaire), a décidé de cacher ce genre de fonctionnalité, et même quand on en a conscience, ça reste très limitté. Et pour la patience, maintenant que tu le dis, je me rend compte que je ne peux pas vraiment considérer mon cercle de proche comme des "utilisateurs moyens".

Sinon pour rsync, c'est un utilitaire assez complet pour syncroniser des fichiers ou des repertoires. Les gros avantages par rapport à scp sont la possibilité de l'utiliser en local comme à distance, et des copies plus "intelligentes" lorsque le fichier est déjà présent (il ne transfert que la différence entre l'ancoen et le nouveau). Sur le papier, pas de raison de changer, mais dans les faits, surtout si le blog s'étoffe un peu avec le temps, tout les petits problèmes (erreur au téléchargement, micro changements sur l'ensemble des fichiers, erreur bête de manip, changement de serveur, ...) peuvent être assez vite pénible pour rien avec scp. Pour un blog simple comme celui ci, cela permettrais simplement de créer un alias "upload" qui s'assure de copier l'intégralité des fichiers du blog sur le serveur, si et seulement si il y a eu des changements.

Pour ce qui est de vim (emacs est très complet aussi, mais c'est une approche complètement différente), l'intérêt principal est la manière d'approcher et combiner les raccourcis de navigation. À titre d'exemple, voici quelques combinaisons de raccourcis histoire d'illustrer les possibilités :

  • dap : supprimer le paragraphe sous le curseur
  • ca{ : supprime et remplace la balise {} sous le curseur
  • ci" : supprime et remplace le texte entre les "
  • diw : supprime le mot sous le curseur
  • 8dd : supprime 8 lignes
  • yf. : copie la ligne courante jusqu'au caractère . Le tout devient vraiment agréable à utiliser car chaque commande est facilement répétable et enregistrable à la vollée.
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