Umm, I'm sorry but it's not 'be better of' it's 'be better off'.
I've become my dad. God damn you passage of time!
Wow, well put my dude.
Man, you say that like they don't want to prosecute Clinton. Man, fuck that guy AND Trump. Fuck all the kiddie Diddlers, I ride with the kids and progress.
It's coconut for Indians and South Asians.
..... Like, the holy Bible Jesus?
He sounds like such an insecure deranged dickwad
Man, this is ridiculous. It resembles Akkadian more and more with each passing day.
They don't target population centers, they target military bases that always happen to be near a population center. In the 50's and 60's missile targetting was shit so they had megaton yield bombs to make sure they got the bases. Nowadays they have lower yield bombs so they can have more bombs that specifically target bases.
It's no use targeting population centers as those bombs could be used instead to cripple them militarily. It's just that no country would have a good day if nukes went off anywhere near them.
Nine dash line says what? Galwan valley was just a fun outing. And Vietnam must've hurt itself in confusion.