… I wanna say duh? lol
You don’t - it’s a bullshit excuse. It’s like a 5 year old with their hand in the cookie jar saying “I didn’t mean to do it.” Yes you did, little Jimmy, what you didn’t mean to do was get caught. Now blow that idea up to a greedy, unethical, billion dollar corporation.
No way this isn’t also on dad jokes 🤣
Oh good, that’s encouraging lol
O O F. That’s quite the dad joke lol You know it’s good when it hurts my soul
What I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving lol
As it always is. Slaps on the wrist and nothing real ever being done about it. We have no good solution to this shit. Electric cars destroy the environment, gas cars destroy the environment, horses are unfeasible for the modern age, walking is unfeasible for the modern age… God we’re so fucked
That looks awesome! Would love to explore that
Nobody upvotes bot posts. Like ever. This has over 10 - shows how much people agree with this shit 🤣
I agree with LameSauce that it may just be down to having a smaller crowd that will “pay a premium” to have a quieter/less crowded place to hang out and drink.
You’re right. One could argue though that it’s an unstable form of working. Running both the workforce and the planet into the dirt in the name of profit sounds an awful lot like a long term L to me… not that they care about beyond their lifespans