
joined 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 38 minutes ago

“If you’re going to have a monarchy, it has to be a monarchy of everyone,”

What an utterly INSANE statement.

[–] 29 points 20 hours ago (58 children)

I haven't paid much attention but from what I can gather it used to be a 'legitimate' conservative community, where some people posted outrageous bs, think of reddit s r/thedonald sub. A couple of days ago some people noticed that there are no mods anymore in the community, for whatever reason, so the shit posting, cons trolling began and the community all of a sudden bloomed.

I'd reckon there aren't many of them original folks around anymore, thankfully. Just scroll down, it was a very trashy community, celebrating deaths from miscarriages and such.

[–] 6 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Meh, disagree. The bike I liked the most was the one I bought used for 15€ from a dude down the street, brought it to the old grandpa who fixes bikes for cheap for fun, paid him 35€ for some maintenance, check the gearbox, new brake saddles, oil everything up.

50€ in total, awesome city bike, although a bit heavy and without all the fancy shit, but I just left it chained to a lamp in the street, nobody wants to steal a 50yo bike and even if, it was just 15€. When I moved to a different city I sold it to my neighbor for 15€ again. He still uses it from what I hear.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago

konnte man auch gut bei den covid impfzentren sehen. als die erstmal eingerichtet waren, wurde man da mit allen erfordernissen (test, atest, bestätigung, etc) zügig durch geschleust.

Oh ja, Hamburg Messegelände war krass, riesige Messehalle, Schlange ging bis raus neben die S-Bahn Station, hab trotzdem nicht viel länger als 30 min gebraucht, hab nur die 15 min nach der Impfung still gestanden/gesessen.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Hey, will dir gar nicht auf den Sack gehen, aber du meinst hier "abwegig", von "auf Abwegen sein", meint soviel wie auf den falschen Weg sein. Es sei denn du willst etwas "abwägen", was von "wiegen" kommt und soviel wie abschätzen/einschätzen heißt.

Ich nerve damit auch nur, weil ich das selbst häufig falsch gemacht habe, bis ich gelernt habe - abwägen = Waage, abwegig = (falscher) weg

[–] 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

As you said, the increase in oiliness is compounded upon daily use of shampoo

As a short term effect, not a long term change in sebum production, the sebum glands are most likely primarily genetically and hormonally controlled.

I also said

Some people experience less oiliness over time, but this is likely due to changes in distribution, absorption, and perception, rather than a true shift in sebum gland function.

Using it frequently will eventually strip all of the oils out (if you've got long hair - People with shorter hair shouldn't have an issue).

I know what you're saying, but it could be interpreted as that the glands on your scalp just stop producing altogether, which is not true and if it happens likely presents a serious medical issue.

I briefly touched on the distribution of oil in your hair - if you brush long hair thoroughly and frequently you distribute the oil from the glands to the tips, which gives the perception of less oilier hair and is in fact, very healthy. Oil in short hairs obviously distributes faster and more easily from the glands to the tips, so a more frequent use of shampoo doesn't impact healthy hair as much.

Like I said, proper scalp hygiene can accommodate a wide range of hair washing habits. But if you forego that you'll get nasty issues.

Edits: formatting

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (3 children)

As someone who doesn't use shampoo and has hair which has re-adapted to not having the natural oils stripped out

That's very likely not a thing. The natural oil production (sebum) is primarily influenced by genetics and hormones.

Some people experience less oiliness over time, but this is likely due to changes in distribution, absorption, and perception, rather than a true shift in sebum gland function.

Frequent washing with harsh shampoos can temporarily increase oiliness due to compensatory production.

However, studies suggest this is a short-term effect rather than a long-term change in sebum gland activity.

** Showers are a good thing. **

Absolutely, using shampoo or not, proper scalp hygiene is important, too much sebum creates bacteria friendly environments, which can lead to infections.

[–] 34 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Indem man ihnen Perspektiven, Räume und Anschluss bietet. Das ist erstmal sehr pauschal gesprochen aber zumindest aus meiner Erfahrung Recht effektiv.

Anekdotisch gesprochen - in meiner Heimatstadt wurde wenige hundert Meter vom neuen Spielplatz ein skate Park gebaut, beide Plätze waren wenige hundert Meter vom Sportplatz und Jugendzentrum entfernt. So haben sich die meisten Jugendlichen in diesem Gebiet getummelt, es war Raum für allerlei Cliquen da und diese konnten durch die räumliche nähe zueinander auch Anschluss aneinander knüpfen.

Gleichzeitig konntest du überall dort etwas mit deiner Zeit anfangen, es gab keinen finanziellen Ausschluss aus den dortigen Aktivitäten. Du konntest auf dem Sportplatz mitmachen, Vereinszugehörigkeit wurde zumindest von den damaligen Trainern hinten angestellt, wer Bock hatte durfte mitmachen, im JuZe gab's viel künstlerisches anzustellen, Musik machen, malen, fotografieren - Equipment war vorhanden und durfte genutzt werden. Auf dem skate Park haben die älteren den jüngeren ausgeholfen, wenn du kein board hattest, kein problem, nimm meins.

Das hat zu einem interessanten gefühl der Verbundenheit in alle Richtungen geführt, da kam es vor, dass die Fußballkids nach dem Training zum Konzert ins JuZe sind um ihre Klassenkameraden/innen zu unterstützen. Dafür waren am nächsten Wochenende die artsy kids auf dem Fußballspiel und haben für ihr Team gegröhlt, hatten Plakate gemalt usw.

Ich glaube unser größtes Glück damals war eine Gruppe von sehr enthusiastischen und idealistischen Erwachsenen, die alle auch untereinander vernetzt waren, den Anstoß nach dem Training noch zum Konzert zu gehen bspw werden wir sicherlich aus Richtung der Erwachsenen bekommen haben.

Aber ich denke, das ist auch die größte Herausforderung, Menschen zu haben, die sich auch um die kids kümmern, es reicht halt nicht da einen Spielplatz hinzuklatschen und zu sagen 'jetzt macht mal, aber lasst uns in Ruhe".

[–] 11 points 2 days ago

True, but I, at some point in my life recognized that all those bad thoughts and feelings about someone who wronged me only created suffering on my end. The answer was to let go.

The indifference might not give me revenge in a direct sense, but it gives me peace.

My revenge is being happy and free from that person.

[–] 41 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

It's sure as fuck echoing right now and folks need to fucking listen.

Not alone regarding to US politics, the whole world eerily feels in a similar turmoil like 100 years ago. Let's hope enough people recognize the overture of the symphony of horrors that is attached to it. Let's hope we can turn it around before the true demons of our past come to haunt us all.

[–] 24 points 4 days ago

"Social media made y'all way to[o] comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it."

-Mike Tyson


European red squirrel, northern Germany.

We live right next to a park, where a tree grows partially over our balcony, so the little one can safely come and go. Over the past weeks she's gotten more curious and has been exploring every corner of the balcony, she's also gotten more comfortable with our presence.

A few days ago we were having tea outside and she joined us briefly, so we put out some hazelnuts and she returned immediately from her lookout on the tree.

First she checked from a safe distance.

She then brought the nuts into several hiding spots around and returned again, at this point she really started to muster us. She then made a big jump right on to our table, ran across it until she sat 30cm in front of my girlfriend and stared right into the camera, that's where we took the title picture.

The photo is slightly out of focus because she ran up to us so boldly, we couldn't turn the zoom down quickly enough.

After that photo we put the camera down, to enjoy the moment more, she ran around us a little bit and then retreated back to her tree.

It seems like we made a friend that day, she comes by periodically, we bought more nuts and although she is careful around us, she accepts our presence. We can move slowly and also talk normally, just fast movements makes her a little skittish.

So greetings from Hazel to all of you, we wish you and your squirrel friends a merry autumn!

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