If you are serious, look up creampie on urban dictionary.
You didn't pay appeal fee that's why.
Man, they're going at it hard, every sentence has at least two in it. I haven't seen something as cringe as this in a while.
Tbh I never found out about 7zip until like when I was 30. And I'm 33 now xd. I used WinRAR for years.
And I will say, 7zip is much better. No offense to WinRAR. I got much respect for WinRAR.
I think they actually want to protect him because if he dies somehow, he'll become martyr.
Canada does this and it's quite success. Jeez.
This remind me of time where people would challenge people to start at random wiki page to find page to certain page using just links through pages with least clicks.
Sigh... Thank you! This finally work perfectly and so easy.
I can rest in peace now.
I tried that PuTTY but all it did was access Linux terminal for me. I want to see desktop. So I can move mouse around and type with keyboard. I'm not tech savvy enough for controlling everything via terminal.
Nothing to see here, folks. He's just filling spots with yes men.
Hello fellow Winnipegger.
I think we might have statue at Leo Mol Sculpture Garden or around it.
I did not expect to read that particular sentence when I got up this morning.