They never will. Recognizing yourself as part of the problem is something humans are terrible at. To them, we who question their antics are the problem. When they started shipping people to a second contration camp, they asked no questions. The media is showing them no pictures or giving any information really. The prisoners have been cut off from communications, and stuffed into a camp with no real legal protections. Many of them are migrants from Nepal, Russia, China, Afghanistan, and who knows where else. How long will they be held, unknown. We know of at least 300 they moved and threw into a camp in the jungle and 16 returned home. So that leaves 284 that we know of that the UN is trying to figure out a way to find safe harbor for. That number is likely to only grow as we ship more people out. Costa Rica may be a 3rd location but I haven't seen much information about it. Why? Because the oligarchs don't want the people to see more information, or ask questions about whether they might be supporting something wrong.
As an overweight guy, I make them all the time. Is there healthier ways to lose weight, sure. But I obviously ignored those to get here. I understand why people find it bad to fat shame people, but about oneself should always be allowed in my book.
His executive orders already contradict existing laws? The constitution is the law of the land, and he has no authority to override the legislature, yet... Has. And then when judges have told him to stop. He hasn't. You can forget anything that's written at this point. It's all going to come down to bloodshed or dictatorship. And most of the population is fine with a dictatorship it appears.
The big big surprise is election interference. Which isn't even a little surprise. The guys a fucking dumbass
Adding layers to paint was what surprised me
Nah, more likely robots will be killing minorities and kids in the streets. It will be illegal to harm the robots. They fulfill the will of the oligarchs
If you buy a mac, you just prepaid the subscription fee in the hardware price. Then they hook you into an environment where you have to pay it for every new device.
I'd argue buying a PC you have to opt in to subscriptions, buying a Mac you can't opt out.
The article says it's to enable some AI rewrite shit. So basically if you want normal functionality, everything is normal. If you want something they are investing billions of dollars into for reasons unknown to modify your text, you have to pay them.
It actually sounds reasonable. Want this expensive shit? Pay for it. No? Don't.
Yeah, what they did was wrong. That said, it was a phone call, and "you people are next" is what I found when I looked it back up. Meaning it's not like the individual on the other end of the phone was likely even in the same city, county, state? As the lady who threatened them. Stupid move but I feel I could hear worse at the local gas station every Friday night and they aren't denying people health coverage, just wanting them to pay full price for a slurpee
Yeah that makes sense, but I'd also not call a death threat terrorism if aimed at one person denying your health coverage. If a death threat is terrorism, then every assault / murder would have to be I'd think
I don't watch YouTube to often but I used to like to watch some content from Yes Theory.
My partner watches a few others though, I see her watching Smosh, which sometimes is good, she always watches good mythical stuff, but I am not as much of a fan of them.
I think I avoid YouTube mostly, but if Yes Theory fits your question, I like their underlying message (it started off as a saying Yes to life and taking chances and believing that people were inherently good and try to get communities and the world to come together it seems) and I was actually afraid to say it because I figured someone would come out and tell me how they are actually terrible people somehow. Hopefully not. (Fingers crossed)