Adding one more: Battle Beast. Noora Louhimo's voice just remained imprinted in my brain. Can't really pick a favorite release.
You might also try TV5 Monde. Focused on French language content and no subscription required. (I think not even a login)
Today I learned...
Thank you.
Procesul de înscriere variază de la un server la altul. Aș zice că server fără nicio verificare e poate prea deschis, dar sunt și din astea.
Bariera mai mare ar fi partea cu federarea, dar putem sa vorbim despre asta ca să aducem conceptul încet-încet în fața publicului.
There's article 30 of the constitution, which warrants the right to free speech. However, there are some provisions related to promoting hatred and the law explicitly forbids fascist and legionary symbols.
That, or distract, overwhelm. When we have 10 appalling things every single day, we lack the energy to connect the dots between the lesser ones. Or care. It's both a flood and exposure therapy.
Sounds like something that would also bring the - insert radio authority here- asking questions if you start it up in the open.