I hope you didn't get tired from it.
joined 2 years ago
Magicka - top-down mage play where you can combine spells with each other (two beams make a stronger beam, etc), and friendly fire if you want to occasionally nudge or troll each other
Trine - side-scroller in 3D graphics with 3 unique characters; some platforming, action, and slight puzzles, and a very good story presentation/direction
Lemmy is a social platform for people to share content and links and talk and discuss. Lemmy uses communities to group and host people and content to for themes - like animals, or pictures of cats, or videos of kids falling.
Are you disagreeing with them and saying OP list contains only curated awesome projects?
Do you really need 13 blog platforms? By that point, don't I have to do another analysis and curation to decide what to use? With the generic descriptions that seem to be copy-paste from the projects descriptions, where's the descriptive and usefulness-assessment of curation? If one of the 13 is "Extra-awesome, extra-lightweight blog engine." - why are there even others if it's "extra awesome"? What does that even mean?