
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Thanks for giving her a go! I'm very passionate about Skyrim modding so I'm happy I get to lend my voice to something like this, as well as help on the writing side when needed. :)

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Same honestly, I've only used it for one playthrough but it was really nice! It's one I'll have to go back to for sure. :)

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Oh boy, I have a lot that I tend to use, it depends on the playthrough but I do have a small stock of player homes I keep for any playthrough occasion!

This part of the list is some of my more favorite player house mods that I've used often.

Vandfald Cottage by Thay S

Tel Aschan by Elianora

Severin Manor by Absorbed

Proudspire by Doxmazz

Leaf Rest SSE by Aukmat/mnikjom Side note about this one, to get the key you may need to TCL into the mailbox.

Cynn's Honeyside Redone by Cynndal

Cynn's Vlindrel Hall by Cynndal

Cynn's Hjerim by Cynndal

Breezehome by Lupus

Nightgate Cabin by RyoHab

Skaal You Need by Elianora

Sarethi Manor by TWarrior

Ash's Rest by teahunter121

Assassin's Sanctuary by K13RAN64 It's not subtle, but sometimes you just need an edgy manor house.

~Honorable Mentions~

These are my less-used player homes I have but ones I still adore regardless.

Crypt of the Old Guard by ToggleAI

Varbaril by DexMods

Unique Vampire Dens by Gonkish

Trollpacka by Thunderstorm95

The Northern Star Retreat Revised by ArchimageKhan

Routa by Elianora

Riftvale Lodge by Cynndal

Cliffside Cottage by Cynndal

I have a couple more but this is already a pretty long list, I was also going to add Tel Jerdein but saw you already had it mentioned as well. :)

[–] 6 points 2 years ago

The only reason I ever tried out new land/quest mods, follower mods, and mods that added in random npcs, is because in one of my early save games I killed most of the townspeople and wanted to go to another land that was more populated/re-populate Skyrim with new NPCs because I ended up regretting killing so many people, but I didn't want to restart the save.

Oh, and also I don't think Nazeem is that bad. I don't like him but he's made to be that way anyways. Honestly, the worst punishment is to keep that guy alive, he'll always be wondering if his end is close every time you pass him, as many others have done to him.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Flashing Savegames Fix was already mentioned, so instead I'll offer up Main Font Replacement, I use the Magic Cards font and it's one of the mods I always use but always underappreciate.

You also mentioned a music mod, while it doesn't replace the main menu theme and it's not technically a UI mod, I always play with Celtic Music in Skyrim, all tracks are from Adrian von Ziegler I think!

Font Replacer: Celtic Music in Skyrim:

[–] 5 points 2 years ago (4 children)

FINALLY! My immersion is sated!

My favorite one was the immersive anxiety mod.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Oh I feel this. There's been playthroughs I've started purely to be evil, yet I still end up feeling bad most of the time.

I think the only run through I've had where I actually felt like I did a good job "justifying" it was with my very old Nerevarine Telvanni Sheogorath-worshipping sorceress that I played through Morrowind-Oblivion-Skyrim with. In her case, she wasn't trying to be necessarily evil, she was just blunt, had little patience, was straight to the point and didn't consider how her words or actions may affect someone, as long as she could continue hoarding artifacts and doing nutso mage things, she was happy. She also didn't understand why murder and thievery were illegal, if she saw something she wanted, she took it, she didn't get why the guards would be upset over it and was usually disgruntled with Skyrim's law system.

You mentioned Narfi, and that's one I remember giving a justification for on that play through. In my sorceress's mind, he deserved to be in a better place more suited for him, like the Shivering Isles, so off she sent him via a Lightning Bolt to the face.

I don't have any mod recommendations, but I wanted to give an example of how I justified it myself. I didn't feel as bad as I usually did with prior evil play throughs. :)

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Thank you! I've voiced in a couple of mods aside from Astara, like Old Blood, Betalille's Hammerfell quest expansion, and a small largely WIP mod called Idrinith's Speaking Weapons where I voice a greatsword.

I hope I'm able to work with more in the modding community, voicing for mods has been my favorite type of voice work and I'm thrilled to be a part of it every time. :)

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Coldsun modeled the follower after hearing my voice which isn't a process he usually does. There may have been inspiration but I don't think it was directly modeled after me, if it was then I wasn't told so, haha.

With the save-safe stuff, you may be better off asking Coldsun about that, I've only provided my voice & I'm now doing some of the writing. He's been active in the comments of the mod and he's pretty chill, might get a better answer from him! ^^

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

The images make her seem way more like a NSFW/flirty follower, but she actually has no lines like that, but I get it haha, first glance it wouldn't be for me either.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

undefined> UI

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