Even if it's just an apocryphal story, it's at least a crazy-interesting concept that I hadn't even considered before.
It was where he got his start 20+ years ago, but both him and Sara Watkins (the fiddler) went on to do some interesting stuff to say the least. Their new album was sort of a reunion.
Not EXCLUSIVELY... but kinda, but even though I'm only 1 (or maybe 2) out of the 3, and a bunch of programming jokes and jargon go over my head, I really don't mind. And... if you're going to start with a particular demographic as a core userbase, man oh man could you do worse these days.
This seems to bounce around the internet with no real legit source to back it up, and when it was posted to a certain website starting with R, there were comments from professionals indicating most of it was complete bullshit.
If you're interested in Country and Folk but have the range of taste you seem to, you should definitely become aware of Punch Brothers if you're not already. Basically experimental bluegrass, I'd recommend any of their albums but Phosphorescent Blues might be a good start. The frontman Chris Thile's also part of Nickel Creek and their new album has a very Punch Brothers feel to it as well.
I didn't know she was a Wilco fan. +1 respect.
"Lead Safe Mama" is not a legit scientific source. Come on guys, this isn't facebook, we can do better than this kind of low effort fear mongering.
Add another ref who sits just off the ice, and is a "video ref" looking at as many screens as he chooses, of the available cameras, and has the power to whistle his own penalties or overturn the penalties from the ref on the ice. There's no reason to deliberately not use the technology available to us rather than the randomness of whether something happens to get challenged for video review.
As far as newer sketch comedy, Tallboyz and Baroness Von Sketch have done some great work the last few years.
God I hope we can stand our ground. We need a domino effect of countries to turn the tide, the first few will always be the hardest though.
He's regressed/aged a lot from what I know. Flashes of his former self at times but slowed down and inconsistent. There was a reason the Blues moved on. I'm actually surprised he got that much term.
And if you make enough spelling errors, your post essentially encrypts itself! :D