Coup 101, keep your cops happy. This is why firing the nuclear cops was a bad idea and they tried reversing it immediately.
Man, wish they wouldn't use zoom. Jitsi is a great option that can be self hosted
Nah my darkweb dealer network is unionized, so it's better for sure.
Same. My parents tell me to just stop reading the news so I'll feel better. I can't look away from the train crash that is our country, how can you guys?
Andrew Tate, a "manosphere" incel who trafficked women. He gained a large following by calling people cucks, incels, loser feminists, etc. while always being the alpha male with money and women. He's currently stuck in Romania while human trafficking charges go through the legal system.
He has the opportunities for sanctions, so there's that
Work isn't great community, WFH + in person local activities is much better.
Book Bannin' Bastards
I could save them a lot of time and energy, here's all the solutions to things they're "studying".
- Highly processed foods and lack of varied diets.
- Extremely high healthcare costs that make treatment/cures unreachable.
- General distrust of medical professionals due to online guidance being actively harmful for most people.
- Long commutes and general shift to online/office work has lead to greater rates of inactivity.
- Lack of in person community leads to isolation and mental health issues.
- High costs of living, being told your neighbors are your enemies, disinformation in the news making it hard to be informed or knowledgeable, and constant threats to people's lives leading to mental health issues.
- People taking ivermectin like it's Elon musk doing ketamine.
If you know how markets will react ahead of time, you can make money. Additionally:
- Take out massive loans and build/buy physical assets ASAP
- Destroy economy by removing bank regulations, federal insurance on banks, let America default on loans
- Bank goes defunct and can't collect loan from you
- ???
- Profit
It will "save money" and totally won't impact their ability to distribute resources.