So if Elon literally lay down on the ground we couldn’t say he lay on the ground? You’re saying we would have to say allegedly? What he did is not in question, their argument was intent. It should be obvious that he lay on the ground but reported as possibly unintentionally lay on the ground. The action is clear as day and should not be up for dispute
So at what point of doing something does it actually become the thing that it was?
Seems pretty obvious to me.
Won’t these numbers be manipulated and likely outright lies anyway?
Isn’t musk too busy taking credit for being the ceo of Tesla? And space x and the boring company, solar city,, oh yeh and twitter. Oh and wasn’t he supposed to be going through every social security payment? How will he find the time to jerk off on twitter while fixing Air Force one and all the faa safety standards. He must really be a genius (hardest fucking sigh in the universe)
Is this from that time he stared at the solar eclipse without eye protection?
I don’t really understand this whole “free speech” thing. If it were ww2 would you be worried about nazis having free speech or would you do what needed to be done?
Yes that’s how corruption works
You can tell how fucked things are when this post might upset some “normal” people
I do enjoy a good ghost bustin
This is truely a very, very low thinking comparison. So much so that it hurts knowing that people like this are able to project their dense thoughts out into the world and subject others to their wasteful presence.
He probably didn’t even try not sucking
This is trumps “peace making” genius. Completely fuck one side over so they have to regroup and come back later to the surprise of no one.