Yeah, there's just a minimum requirement on app names in the store
Same, I don't want stickers, emojis, gifs. My phone and 4G connection really don't like them but there's no way to switch them off
It is calculated according to the speed of sound at the altitude you're in, and measured using a difference of pressure in the pitot tube.
You can just turn off receiving all messages from any user. This is specifically for people who told their friends that they don't want to listen to voice messages and want texts, but friends still use voices. Every one I know has a friend like that.
For a long time it was ran on money that Durov made from VK and it's selling deal and had no ads, almost perfect development. It was a ton of money obviously, but we all knew it would run out sooner or later and then everything would change. I bought premium once because I wanted to support the project, and I still use it. Hopefully I won't have to use anything else, because I hate almost any other messenger.
Edit: forgot "would"
To be honest if you posted this 10 years ago it would still be more or less true lol
Yeah, but Teams in Office? Is that really the main problem?
And it's dirt cheap
Before the war in Ukraine I had stable 1 Gbit/s for 5$/month with two dedicated IPs
Here in Ireland you get 100 Kbits/s sometimes because they can't pull you a fiber connection and 4G towers are overloaded to hell, and it costs 20-40€/month
He took "lets fuck up some commas" too seriously
Neuron activation moment 😵💫
I mean, there are history videos for things that are 1-2 years old too that are there to sum up everything known and explain things to people out of the loop
Yeah, he created free tools alright
A photoshop RGB color set
That's it