Given they made that up whole cloth they can decide anything you have is terrorism and don't forget they are saying aggression against tesla is terrorism and they are pretty vague on terms like aggression.
Im going to get so many pc upgrades. woohoo.
If they ask americans canada is going to be the most common answer.
I think rank choice will result in third party but it will take some time. Our republic system does make it slower though compared to parliamentary systems.
gonna say the same. with the tariffs we are gonna be penned in with our purchases.
Chicago has had a few. In particular at the protest for science there was a dude in a trump in diapers blow up costume.
the constitutions tenth amendment says:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
the constitution says nothing about attacking tesla electric cars. ipso facto you have no jurisdiction.
There is nothing limiting it to two parties. honestly its first past the post that is more of an issue.
what are you talking about. I maxed all the head shot perks.
I appreciate the effort but I have to wonder if folks hanging inside Auschwitz had conversations like this.
All their kids have a specific bad thing they do and the parents are on it from the get go.