Or catching the same movie in different places over the course of a month before HBO changed its lineup.
I've passed out twice while high but it was in combination with alcohol and while urinating... so not the same experience
What's that? Our website is unusable on mobile? Lucky for you we have a handy dandy little app!
Then why did God invent Yakko Warner?
When choosing a music player I went with an favorite from my dial-up days, Foobar2000. It's pretty no frills... and I couldn't find Winamp.
Always loved this song but never delved into any of their other music. Maybe I will do so tonight. Thanks.
I don't use any home assistant technology but I feel like yelling "Hail Satan!" into an empty room and getting a response would be fun
How many capybara is that?
Judge John Hodgman. John Hodgman, former "PC" guy in Apple ads, litigate submitted internet disputes with his bailiff, NPR radio host Jesse Thorne. It's funny, ridiculous, and often times heartfelt.
41 and I need to figure out how to find a doctor. But it was the memes that helped me figure myself out.
They also said "Chocolate without slavery? That's unpossible!"
You want that alphabetically or chronologically?