Wasn't this on an episode of Trash Future?
"Bedankt voor uw stem op Hugo de Jonge."
That man's pedantry is truly beyond parody.
Ik denk dat vrijwel iedereen kan leren dit te doen ongeacht intelligentie, zolang je maar een grondig gebrek aan empathisch vermogen en een beetje charisma hebt. Je hoeft alleen (dood)zieke mensen keihard voor te liegen en als ze wanhopig genoeg zijn waait het geld zo binnen.
Same as it ever was!
Beef jewelry?
Truly a man of culture.
Yes, power output can be regulated in nuclear energy. It is, however, not economical to do so most off the time. Building a nuclear reactor is a massive capital investment, so any time you're not running at 100% you are increasing your payback time, which leads to more expensive electricity.
That technology is nowhere near mature enough to provide a solution to the mentioned problems in the next decade or two.
I agree with the comic. I do however disagree with the title. I think the Hamas' attack shouldn't to be called "resistance", just as Israel's response shouldn't be called "self defense".
Oy, no need to call me out like that... I should turn off my phone.