But it certainly is disingenuous to treat authoritarianism like a boolean property - rather than acknowledging (or far better, quantifying) the difference in degree to which taking or leveraging authority is chosen over other approaches to leadership.
I told an aggressively pushy door-to-door salesman to leave and and shut my door in his face. Am I a dictator now?
And why are your arguments framed entirely around entities that are not left and exist in a foreign political system that has no left at a party level, while drawing no connection to Canadian politics nor the Canadian political parties that are actually under discussion? That's a weird choice for a Canadian who isn't intellectually captured by American media or actually someone/thing of other origin working from a script.
Some of the public are people like me. I stopped giving any money to Blizzard back when they made StarCraft (II?) require a Battle.NET account...or was it patching out already present offline LAN support? It was also hearing about shitty labor practices and workplace harassment at some point. My memory of why is pretty spotty, but the "don't give Blizzard money" part has stayed crystal clear for decades now. I genuinely don't remember why I first blacklisted EA games (might be commitment to DRM, might be just because they're such a shitty company), but it's on that list for life.
Heck, between 3rd-party DRM, loot boxes, and everything from "crunch time" development cycles to transphobia, I've been all but done with AAA gaming for several years. I could hardly be a gamer at all any more, if not for the rise of indie gaming, but that's not really my point right now.
The point is I remember the important, actionable bits. And I think most other Canadians will also retain their simple conclusions that won't need re-evaluation. After this, they'll have a solitary pedestal in their mind palace just to store one special conclusion from all of this:
Fuck the U.S.
And after floundering around for a bit, Canadians will find the indie trade they love; in a few years, they won't even miss AAA trading.