Best looking sandwiches out there!
You dont need meat to get your protein as there are ethical alternatives such as pulses, peas, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
It just takes a little relearning at first before it becomes routine. You learn at
Time to have a good laugh.
I wish I had some of your cake, your mil doesn’t deserve you.
Also please consider the phrase feed two birds with one scone.
The worst “both sides bad” argument I have heard
I’m anglophone so I that thought the term meant the same as “support”
Ah good to know. I apologize for my mistake.
Also I was being a dummy using the term “heil” in this context. I thought it was a general term :/
Give a man a potato, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to farm, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Just use flashy drones in the sky instead!
I have been posting tons of articles on ! to grow the community and we rapidly gained 40 new subscribers within 3 days. Then once we have enough people making original content such as writing about their personal experiences then will I slow down on the articles.
I’m trying to make it the largest vegan community on Lemmy so we can have the discussion on a server owned by vegans.
Might have something to do with the flesh increasing the risk to the hearts of the Bloodmouths.