Ich halte den Schild hoch um die Nuss die er schießt zurück zu reflektieren, dann bekommt er eins mit dem Schwert drüber.
I'm still using one click hoster so far but I'm really interested in the *arr stack. Does it even make sense to set this up for German content? I also remember that German torrent content was rare.
Yes, that is much welcome! While I use Linux and try to stay with open standards as much as possible RDP under Windows is the better (graphical) remoting experience. It just works with different resolutions, sound, drive/folder passthrough and even encryption. I never really managed VNC to behave like that or it was very complicated and device/distribution specific.
You right that my comment was unnecessarily harsh and I regret having it worded like that. I deleted it because it does not provide anything meaningful to the discussion of the article.
In Europe self pumping is the norm with few exceptions. If you can't self pump you have to call the gas station in advance and ask if assistance is available. Many places are understaffed so it might not be possible everywhere here. Personally I don't know elderly who have difficulties pumping yet still drive a car. Once it comes to that most people put their driver license to rest, but I understand that is not an option for everyone.
Apologizes again for my initial comment that was detrimental to a healthy discussion about that topic.
Das es kaum gefördert wird liegt am ersten Punkt. Ohne große Lobby von Profiteuren passiert hier doch nichts. Das Schlimmste was dem deutschen Wohlstand passieren könnte wäre doch, wenn manche Menschen sich wegen dem Fahrrad kein Auto mehr anschaffen 😱
Most people are disabled in Portland?
Eine Definition "Neuronale Netze" = KI gibt es nicht. Andere mathematische Methoden der heuristischen Mustererkennung könnte man genauso als KI bezeichnen oder eben beides nicht. Die meisten assoziieren moderne Deep Learning Systeme mit KI, aber eine feststehenden Definition ist das nicht. Liegt auch daran, dass schon für "Intelligenz" selbst verschiedene Definitionen existieren und das auch eher schwammig ist.
How is the query performance of influxdb for searches in logs for text keywords?
Instead of Influxdb we are using Solr and it is pretty much instantaneous for searching and ordering no matter how large the data is (couple of hundred gigabytes of logs for now). We use it to provide true real-time search in logs for our support team.
Solang es ewigen wirtschaftlichen Wachstum gibt... Aber ist das realistisch?
That is simply not enforceable