A study on 6 (six!) people? That's not a study, that's less than I get asking around during any lunch break. [this is worthless! meme] Wonderful trolling of some unpleasant cow-orkers, though, chapeau!
Da steht "Zehn Traktoren". HTH, HAND, SCNR.
Trollen ist ein Kunst, und ich applaudiere.
*föderal, verdammte Hacke! Außer natürlich, das bezieht sich auf die verlängerte Bisamratte als Erbe reicher Minenbetreiber, dann ist's perfekt so.
mit Drohnen ahnden
Zivile Verwendung von unbemannten Flugkörpern mit Wirkleistung zur einstweiligen Erschießung, bis die Schuld zweifelsfrei festgestellt werden konnte.
Crusty, cynical folks, entirely unlike and unrelated to myself, could be tempted to name it the Beginning of Eternal October for Linux.
That's listed in the makedepends
array of the PKGBUILD, like here.
You might want to look into the query options -d
in combination with -t
for pacman's -Q
, to list packages installed as dependencies, but "Restrict or filter output to print only packages neither required nor optionally required by any currently installed package."
Bonus cleanup pro-tip: alias pacorphans='sudo pacman -Qtdq | sudo pacman -Rns -'
as explained in the wiki, mentioning makedepends in particular.
yeah i tried looking up what that would even be a symbol of and how that, historically, could be justified, and found absolutely nothing. not even in their “yo, tha’s anti-semitic” claim.
I remember propaganda "caricatures" of jewish octopi ensnaring the world, promoting the myth of a jewish conspiracy to take over the world. Seeing how this conspiracy theory is somehow still going strong, I'm not surprised how sufficiently simple-minded, or ill-willed, actors pick up on the connotation, and interpret it within bounds of their very finite understanding of the world. Or twisting confabulated connotations in a weird, whataboutistic way to somehow.. critique? others as antisemitic, since they've been labeled as such themselves all the time, and can only see and use it as a content-deprived slur anymore to silence and attack their perceived enemies.
Well, either way, antisemitic octopi were a thing in Nazi Germany propaganda. Poor cephalopods.
I did not need this to hit so hard right now. Time to start a new therapeutic rye sourdough.
Wise decision! Best of luck for when you give it another try, with fresh eyes and a clear mind, and enjoy your XP gain dopamine on the way.
Schei� Encoding.