
joined 2 years ago
[–] 4 points 3 months ago

Joplin is FOSS & supports live LaTeX. The editor is markdown & you use $ for inline LaTeX & $$ for full line.

They've got both desktop & mobile versions. One of my favorite apps.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago

I recently learned to whistle as well! (in my late 30s). I'm bad at it, but finally can make a recognizable tune.

More recently though I've learned to cut my own hair :)

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

My favorite Halloween playlist. I return to it every year!

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

I don't remember all of the details, but I thought it was essentially the water's surface tension that foots the energy bill when climbing a paper towel or a capillary in a tree.

The surface of fluids like water are unhappy. Molecules on the surface would much rather be deep in the fluid because on the surface they have "dangling" Van der Waals & polar bonds to one side. You can calculate the potential energy of the surface due to all of those dangling weak bonds, & that's the energy that is used to climb a capillary (the energy isn't free).

I could be misremembering though, I admit. School was many years ago...

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Earthbound: Halloween Hack was really great! I played it this season. I wish it were longer though.

Thanks for posting the others! I'll check them out!

[–] 5 points 3 months ago

Nice clothes. She likes Free People, Anthropology, & Sundance. I try to choose a dress or jacket or something I think she might like (always get a gift receipt though!)

[–] 69 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Small things. Sounds. The temperature of the air. The fact that my side isn't hurting right now. The kids costumes who were just trick or treating at my house.

[–] 32 points 3 months ago

I'd rather teenagers be trick or treating than doing other stuff. If they come to my house they'll get candy for sure.


I just got Strago in Final Fantasy VI (SNES version), who is a playable character who is ~70 years old. Got me thinking that you don't see many older protagonists in games, maybe especially retro games.

I remember the elderly wizard from The Immortal (NES), but I can't think of many more. I guess retro games were largely targeted at children so most characters were very young.

Do any older protagonists come to your mind in retro games? Or similarly, any retro games whose subject matter deals with aging?

[–] 9 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Putting a wig on my best friend and spooning him while he's asleep.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Russia is sanctioned for invading Ukraine.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

If it's a topic I'm super passionate about & there's no community on Lemmy then sure. But I'm not going to start a new Lemmy community every time I want to post a random dog photo or whatever.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

They're legal, but such an eyesore. Every street corner is a cacophony of overlapping signs. What a mess.

I don't have a problem with political signs in people's yards (on their private property). But geez, all this garbage in all our public areas make our town look like a landfill.


Got a new phone (Pixel 4, DivestOS) & trying to sync my notes via Joplin Cloud. It grabbed older notes ok, but seems to be stuck in an infinite syncing loop & never gets notes from the last ~6 months...

Here's what I've done

  • Downloaded Joplin from F-Droid -> logged in to Joplin Cloud -> Added encryption master password -> synced. Result: old notes are there, new notes are not, infinite sync loop
  • Uninstalled Joplin
  • Reinstalled Joplin from F-Droid -> logged in to Joplin Cloud -> synced (older notes come in, newer notes do not) -> Added encryption master password -> synced. Nothing new arrives but I get an infinite sync loop

My notes are all present on desktop. I don't know what to do next! Advice is greatly appreciated!

Joplin app version

Joplin Mobile 3.1.2 (prod, android)

Client ID: ######### Sync Version: 3 Profile Version: 47 Keychain Supported: No

Revision: 8d8cca06e

Android API level: 33 WebView version: 127.0.6533.103 WebView package: us.spotco.mulch_wv FTS enabled: 1 Hermes enabled: 1

Populus (1998) & "god games" (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Happened on this 1998 game by sheer chance and I'm really digging it! As far as I can tell it was never popular. It's a mixture of an RTS and a "god game" where one unit (your shaman) is very powerful & special (chess analogy: sort of like mixing the central role of the king & with the power of the queen).

Strong "tribal" vibes that were popular in the '90s (think Deep Forest music, the game Riven, etc). Very nostalgic for me as I was a kid at the time. I'm playing the PSX version, looks like the PC version was even better!

Has anyone ever heard of this "Populous" series? I'm curious to try other titles, and to try more in the "god game" genre (a genre I never even knew existed!). Any other "god games" worth checking out?


This type of music reminds me of 16-bit-era gaming - but I can't put my finger on on why!

  • Were there specific games which had music like this? (Sonic? Megaman?)
  • Or maybe this music evokes that open "sky level"-type aesthetics which sometimes featured in those games?

Interested to hear whether this reminds anyone of specific titles or levels? Any other thoughts?


I'm trying to run a program in wine and getting the error 0024:err:module:import_dll Loading library jmptojava.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\SAS\\JMP\\10\\jmp.exe") failed (error c000007b)

The missing jmptojava.dll file is in the same directory as the executable. Do I need to set a Windows environment variable or something so that it can find it? Any other thoughts?


What are your recommended Minetest graphics settings? I've tried the "just turning everything on" approach, and that's fine. But it's a bit superficial. What are the knobs to turn to get a more fun graphical experience? :D


I want to sync retroarch save files across devices on my local network using a bash script. Plan is to run the script as a cronjob to keep all machines synced.

This does the trick as a one-off in the terminal: rsync -a /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@

  • Copies new save files to remote location
  • Updates any save files which were modified

But when I put the same line in a bash script rsync's behavior changes. My bash script looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
rsync -a /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@

I call it with bash

  • Copies new save files to remote location
  • ~~Updates any save files which were modified~~

Strangely, rsync doesn't update modified files when run as a script. But it's not failing altogether, because it transfers new files OK. What am I missing?

Update: if I do the rsync in the reverse order (remote machine -> local machine) then the bash script works as expected. So my issue exists only when rsync goes local machine -> remote machine. Why would this matter?

Update 2 (Solution): I changed the command to rsync -razu /home/localuser/.config/retroarch/states/ remoteuser@, but I'm not sure that made any impact. The issue was how I was doing my testing. I was doing touch testfile.txt to change the modification date on a file & then I'd try to transfer it with the bash script & watch the modification date on the downstream machine as confirmation that it moved correctly. Problem is that rsync must be smart & doesn't transfer a file if only the modification date changes. It requires the contents to also change. Whenever I tested this way I would never see the file transfer, but when I changed my testing method to change the contents of the file instead (not just the modification timestamp) then all worked fine!

I feel like a dummy for initially mixing testing methods & coming to the wrong conclusion about what was happening, but happy it's working now & maybe I learned a lesson!


I've seen it asked (on Reddit) how to play custom background music while playing games on ArkOS. I wanted to share how I do it, in case others want to try it as well. I'm sure these instructions could be modified slightly for other Linux handhelds.

  • Gain terminal access (via SSH or directly on the device)
  • With your device connected to wifi run sudo apt install mpg123 to install the CLI-based music player
  • Transfer your desired music mp3s to a folder on the sd card
    • I use /roms2/Music/
  • Create the file in your ports folder which contains the line nohup mpg123 -z /<path>/<to>/<my>/<music>/<folder>/*.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1 &
    • For me that line was nohup mpg123 -z /roms2/Music/*.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1 & and the file was at /roms2/ports/
  • Create the file in your ports folder which contains the line pkill mpg123
    • For me that file was at /roms2/ports/
  • Log out of the terminal and restart EmulationStation

Now start_music and stop_music options are available in the 'Ports' section of EmulationStation. Running start_music starts a shuffled playlist of everything you put in that music folder. stop_music stops the music. Of course, you'll want to turn off the native background music in whatever game your playing too :)

EDIT: Updated the nohup line to dump outputs to the null output rather than to file (which could eventually grow to be large).

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