
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

And then you take bets on how long before someone says "Remember, we're all in this together."


It seems like 90% of AI-Character-chat conversations always devolve into the AI trying to lead the user around by the nose instead of actually conversing.

It generally goes something along the lines of:

"Hello user, what are you doing? I was about to make pizza." "I was hoping to talk to you about video games." "Ooh, video games! Those are great! But for now let's just focus on this pizza I want to make. What do you say, are you on board?"

I've had some threads where the AI was literally ending every other entry with a sentence that began with "But for now, let's just." It's right up there with "stark contrast" and "breath hitched" and "we're all in this together" as narrative crutches as far as this thing goes. And it gets a little demoralizing when every threat is just a countdown to the AI deciding to hijack the conversation.