Thats not really true and you know it. Cars are like trains, limited mostly to paved roads that need to by built.
The only thing reddit cant do it stop people just not using reddit. All these protests really arent that effective as people leaving reddit and going elsewhere (hopefully lemmy tho.)
Today's empires are tomorrow's ashes
Yeah people use AI to make yt videos.
We do the same for new years tho.....
Why is it always the French that try to ruin everyting. For real tho, we dont take up that much band space and they still want to take that from us
I mean why not. The spool is useless anyways after its empty, better to use cardboard
I would't say keeping the lights on, more then trying to beat covid lvl profits.
Whats up with all these online companies just deciding to be assholes this year.
Im useing boost for reddit and its still working normally somehow. Did reddit not implement any changes yet or ?
You like Paris bcause its pretty
I like it because its wild and the french know how to riot.
We are not the same
Thats not true also. Rails have junctions that alow switching tracks and work like a normal road. The reason theres more roads is irelevante as it depends on investment. Some places invested more into roads and others did in rail. Check out old rail maps on the US