Took the time to read the whole thread you referenced and it was worth the time imo. Also took me too long to realize it’s from 10 fuckin years ago… we’re undoubtedly reaping our “reward” from the apathy and ignorance at that time about how these tools could be used to influence the general populace through just social media and consumer data. Womp womp :(
4 simple levels total, all operate on same objective: separate frogs by color.
Fun puzzles that took me only a couple minutes to complete. Last level was the only one that brain had to chew a little more because a new element is introduced.
I wish there were more levels after seeing the 4th! Will there be more???
It’s just like the media’s use of the word “scandal” to describe literal crimes committed by people with money and power
“Failing to plan is planning to fail”
That’s right folks, if you want prosperity, eat the fuckin rich
Aye, fascism doesn’t believe in law or justice. Just power.
Oof. Sounds like too many of the people I know in the US :(
They may not be able to arrest or deport us all, but that won’t stop them from trying :(
At first I thought this was some kind of meta meme
Edit: OP fixed it and now there is meme lol
As someone from the US, if researchers, scientists etc. want to leave, I’d much rather they go to countries who will actually value the work they do so this ain’t all bad
Seeing your posts really makes me want to pick up a lot of these games you’ve been playing. Tbh this is so much more effective to me than most modern game ads.
It’s hard to encourage others to put on their “critical thinking cap” when some of them (okay probably the vast majority) have been unknowingly influenced by this kind of media manipulation for so long. I have a hard time knowing how to bring it to people’s attention without sounding like a broken record myself. I think critical thinking has simply become unattractive to a lot of people cause it takes more time and effort than they’re accustomed to. It’s easier to blindly trust and if it hasn’t killed me so far, how could it possibly be bad?
They probably don’t even teach kids in school to read multiple news sources or how to check for reporting bias anymore.
In any case, your suggestions to help community and watch actions over words are important ones that I try to encourage in those around me as well. Enough to reiterate in caps:
LISTEN TO AND SUPPORT YOUR NEIGHBORS! They will be the first ones you hear from when your community is being threatened. Either we can all be allies against the regime together or we can let it infest our communities through distrust and let it ruin us. Fascism ain’t no joke.