
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 3 hours ago

vscodium fixes the privacy anyway

At the cost of some features not working (e.g. Pylance, which is the default Python extension, as well as others by MS).

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago

A broken heart I've learned to handle, but broken nethers I may not. So get off my back Susan, that's just how people smell

[–] 6 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Extrapolating from the slipperiness of lube on the floor: this is a terrible idea. People will be bouncing around like pinballs.

[–] 7 points 8 hours ago

He was in there because Marvel used locations from his companies for filming, and that was (at least part of) his payment.

[–] 17 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Feels like they at least have to add a warning like this:

[–] 5 points 8 hours ago

And the first thing he does with that money is buying all the candy and treats on the train, so none of the other kids can have any, even though he'll have to throw away 95%

[–] 3 points 8 hours ago

Wait, is that the Driving Crooner?

[–] 22 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

Why does it need to be a dedicated park? They're not proposing getting rid of all the green stuff. Even better than having green stuff some distance away is living in the middle of the green stuff.

[–] 0 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

And your whole argument against Cyberpunk is based on a single annoyance.

No, it's not. I only brought up a single annoyance because it's the most glaring example. You could have asked me for more arguments, but you didn't.

But based on how you approach discussions, I have no interest in talking to you any further. Good day.

[–] 0 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago) (3 children)

You didn't ask for games that feel more alive than Cyberpunk, you asked for games that allow you to redecorate your apartment. You trying to re-interpret those as "so you're claiming they feel more alive than Cyberpunk, huh?" is bad faith, bordering on trolling.

And please, stop acting like a voice line is too much to ask. That's ridiculous. I don't need to show you a "perfect game" to have a valid claim that some parts of Cyberpunk feel dead.


Let's face it: the app has been abandoned for longer than is acceptable, especially at this price level. It's no longer working correctly on newer Lemmy versions, and there's no indication the dev is still active.

Yes, he worked similarly during Reddit times, but a) Sync was much cheaper back then, and b) Reddit didn't change as much.

Right now, to unsuspecting users Sync seems great given the 4.9 star rating on the Play Store. They'll possibly buy this app before noticing that it's subtly broken.

Please consider giving Sync a bad rating, but if you do so, explain why. Write about the broken functionality, so others don't fall into the same trap.


Freunde, ich wende mich an euch aus tiefster Verzweiflung heraus. Das hier ist keine Werbung, sondern ein Hilfeschrei.

Warum genau schmeckt mir die Tiefkühl-Tonno-Pizza von Dr. Oetker so gut? Was ist da genau drauf? Ich habe endlose TK-Tonnos durchprobiert und selbst viele gemacht, aber irgendwas ist auf der Dr. Oetker-Pizza drauf, das ich nicht reproduziert bekomme. Aber auch nur auf der! Es sind Klekse aus einer undefinierbaren Masse, die mein Ambrosia sind - vermutlich eine Mischung aus Thunfisch-Ersatz und Gewürzen, aber jeder Versuch es zu erforschen hat ins Nichts geführt.

Hat hier jemand Zugriff auf die geheimen Rezepte und wäre bereit für ein kleines bisschen Industriespionage? Meine aktuelle Vermutung geht in Richtung Koks oder Heroin o.Ä., anders kann ich mir meine körperliche und psychische Abhängigkeit nicht erklären - doch der rationale Teil meines Hirns widerspricht vehement, weil man das bestimmt rausschmecken würde.

Versteht jemand, was ich meine? Oder bin ich gefangen in einem sisyphosischen Kreis, verdammt dazu stets zum Supermarkt gehen zu müssen um das High erneut zu erleben?

Falls ihr das lest und die TK-Tonno noch nie probiert habt, bitte ich euch: tut es nicht. Es war schwer genug, die Kommentare von dem einen Reddit-Account durchzulesen, der nur Mal Heroin probieren wollte. Ich möchte für ähnliche Abstürze keine Verantwortung tragen.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

He's a little shithead, but we love him dearly.


It doesn't stop. It just never stops.


Please use spoiler tags for comic spoilers (anything that hasn't been shown in the latest episodes of the show)!

Hey all! I'd like to try starting a directed discussion, since participation in the episode discussions hasn't really happened yet (but it's slowly picking up on the sub, woohoo!). Depending on how things go I'll post more in the coming weeks :)

What was the moment or thing that happened which made you go "This isn't like other superhero media"? I think we can all agree that Invincible feels very refreshing and has many interesting ideas. Is there something you really like? Or something that defines Invincible?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

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