A broken heart I've learned to handle, but broken nethers I may not. So get off my back Susan, that's just how people smell
Extrapolating from the slipperiness of lube on the floor: this is a terrible idea. People will be bouncing around like pinballs.
He was in there because Marvel used locations from his companies for filming, and that was (at least part of) his payment.
Feels like they at least have to add a warning like this:
Don't forget picking up the recently discovered coin! https://kotaku.com/donkey-kong-64-speedrunner-finds-hidden-coin-after-17-y-1791824680
And the first thing he does with that money is buying all the candy and treats on the train, so none of the other kids can have any, even though he'll have to throw away 95%
Wait, is that the Driving Crooner?
Why does it need to be a dedicated park? They're not proposing getting rid of all the green stuff. Even better than having green stuff some distance away is living in the middle of the green stuff.
And your whole argument against Cyberpunk is based on a single annoyance.
No, it's not. I only brought up a single annoyance because it's the most glaring example. You could have asked me for more arguments, but you didn't.
But based on how you approach discussions, I have no interest in talking to you any further. Good day.
You didn't ask for games that feel more alive than Cyberpunk, you asked for games that allow you to redecorate your apartment. You trying to re-interpret those as "so you're claiming they feel more alive than Cyberpunk, huh?" is bad faith, bordering on trolling.
And please, stop acting like a voice line is too much to ask. That's ridiculous. I don't need to show you a "perfect game" to have a valid claim that some parts of Cyberpunk feel dead.
At the cost of some features not working (e.g. Pylance, which is the default Python extension, as well as others by MS).