They're boot lick'en good!
Me too! What a great time we all had not doing murder.
Oh great, we're on the Darth Jar Jar timeline.
Lol! This got a laugh out of me
I need to put a lock on my chicken coup at this rate.
March 5th I believe
Ah, so the super villan made it into the treasurery and James Bond is dead on the floor? Fantastic.
Not necessarily, it depends whether those trees are connected to the same fungal network. The fungal network can alert the trees signaling them to pull nutrients back into the roots, or whatever other fire measures the plant might have.
A few of them, we are still friends, and they did find their own success, but most of them I have no idea what happened after I moved away. A lot of these friendships were born of necessity and only surface level.
At night on walks!? We are talking about the dangers of walking alone at night. Are 13 year old boys afriad to walk in the park because they will get jumped by pedophiles of the opposite gender?
It is good advice if you can save the money. One of the things I learned when I was desperately poor is you must lean on your community of other poor poeple. Trading favors is how we survived. If my friend didn't have enough for food we fed them. We worked on each other's cars. We had to live close to each other because we didn't have gas money or reliable transportation. It sucked.
Now that I have escaped the poverty trap and have an emergency fund, it's like I've activated a cheat code. Everything it easier when you have immediate money.
How can this feel so wholesome and creepy at the same time?