This Waltz/Hegseth leak was astonishingly stupid, but the follow up to the leak was even more-so.
Tulsi Gabbard looked utterly out of her depth and terrified while being questioned by Warner. Hegseth just insulted the journalist instead of answering questions. Waltz, instead of answering questions openly berated the journalist for being in his phone contacts?
And then Tulsi says there was no sensitive information leaked in the chat and refused to answer if she, as the Director of National Intelligence, was in the group chat or not.
And THEN, President Trump himself said he didn’t know anything about it.
This absolutely massive fuck up showed some very important things to the American people. Not only is the Trump administration incompetent, but they’re also scared.
These people are so, so far out of their depth. They thought they’d get a free ride, some free press to flaunt their fancy-but now they’re so far deep in the pile of shit they created they can’t see a way out anymore.
They either stay in power, or they die in prison.
This leak and subsequent failure of any kind of team unity or accountability spells it clearly for the American people: The Trump administration is weak. It’s full of terrified amateurs trying desperately to subvert the consequences of accepting a job offer they had no credentials in and no business accepting. I don’t think they realized it would get so out of hand so quickly.
It’s all falling apart, they’re losing supporters, foreign allies(and their eggs,) money, respect, dignity, pride.
This one was genuine. This one hurt.
The tower shook last week with SSI but this?-this was the first brick to fall. And they know it, too.
Running away instead of manning up and facing us head-on, it’s classic prey instincts. They fucked up immensely- they’re terrified and grasping at straws while the whole building starts to collapse around them.
Honestly at this point i think one good push would have them falling all over themselves to implicate their “friends” for an immunity card.
So people, PUSH! They should have nothing to hide and if they do we should be asking ourselves WHY.
Do NOT let them get away with this. As a party dedicated to real news, WE DESERVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH!
Originally Posted By u/girl_onfire_
At 2025-03-25 07:40:49 PM
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