Release: stable
Keep the updates as hands off as possible. Docker compose, TTeck's LXC updater, automatic upgrades.
I come through once a week or so to update the stacks (dockge > stack > update), I come through once a month or so to update the machines (I have 5 total). Total time updating is 3hrs a month. I could drop that time a lot when I get around to writing some scripts to update docker images, then I'd just have to "apt update && apt upgrade"
Minimise attack surface and outsource security. I have nothing at all open to the internet, I use Tailscale to create tunnels. I'm trusting my security to Tailscale but they are much, much, better at it than I am.
N. Mace is really focusing on lowering the price of chicken eggs I see.
I don't think history looks back negatively on any "I won't support [a little] genocide" crowd, if there isn't maybe this will be the first.
Is there a particular "this group of common folk opposed Hitler wrongly, everything's their fault" narrative that is common? I meant this as a rant, but I'm too ignorant and perhaps there is. Obviously, Nazis and Nazi supporters are criticised. There's those in power that handed it off to Hitler that take some flak. But those without power and also didn't support Hitler what criticisms do they come under
Learning the lessons of history and who future generations are going to blame for the here and now. Is it going to be leftists that didn't vote Nazi?
Fuck me for not wanting to die to industrial negligence I guess.
I use Joplin for day-to-day: to-dos, journals etc. I like Joplin, but I haven't tried the others. I tend to be sticky with services, if something "works" I don't go looking for better. Only when I have a specific problem I can't solve do I branch out.
I use bookstack for documentation on the server, faqs guides, updates etc. perhaps that works for others. The lack of android app is what moved me to Joplin.
UK here, we have the LGB alliance, no surprises that it's a bunch of bigots. Transphobia is our chief export after all.
I got the PeerTube android app. It's very bare bones. As a first foray into peertube I'm not sure it's the way to go. I think I've set myself up for failure.
Anycase, I'll dedicate some time to try find some pocket of content I like tomorrow. Getting away from YouTube sure would be nice.
Future Cop LAPD. It's similar to Herzog, but I could figure out how to play it.
This has the feel of a trap. There's something in my hindbrain that wants absolutely none of this.
When is it do you believe the Marxists and Anarchists were in power? When do you believe they held the gun to be able to give it away?
Punch up, not down.
To put it in another reference frame. When a video game fails who's fault is it? The millions of consumers? Or the corpo overlords? When democrats fail, is it the fault of millions of voters? Or the fault of corpo overlords? When something fails it is always the responsibility of those in power to affect the most change. Except, when it comes to politics, then we forget that it's those with power that hold responsiblity.
I hate predatory micro transactions and day 1 dlc. I don't blame the people that boycotted them for the prevelence of mtx? I blame the people that demand they be sold first, then I blame the people that sell them, then I blame the people that bought them. It's not the fault of the people that didn't buy them. Except in politics for some reason.
Sorry, I just got recommended a "games are shit now corpos took over, it's the leftist's fault games are bad". The misattribution of blame from 'capital interests' to 'leftists' is so pervasive even the "I'm left of center" crowd are doing it. I didn't engage there but still need the catharsis