You over estimate my competence. I do intend to leave my ISP firewall up and intact, but I could build layers behind it.
I run everything on a minipc (beelink eq12), which I intend to age into a network box (router, dns, firewall) when I outgrow it as a server. It'll be a couple years and few more users yet though.
Turns out game theory [as described in this election] doesn't describe how people (on aggregate) actually behave. It does describe how some people think people should behave (I may sometimes agree), but not how they actually do.
If I know you rationally follow game theory [as described], I'm going to offer you far less than anyone else because I know game theorists [as...] take any win, no matter how small. Ultimatum game? I offer everyone a 50-50 split, except game theorists, to whom I offer a penny. They'll take it too.
Dems didn't appeal to how people actually act, and so you all lost. Their supporters refused to acknowledge the reality of how groups behave, and so you all lost. ["you" means all of America - added for the misunderstanding]