The speakers were defective? How can you still use them then? Are they active ones?
Holy moly, that works? I needed precisely that feature earlier! Nice.
Correct, am not there. But that would be pointless anyway, for the reasons I already explained.
500 comments? Nobody can engage? What?
Ah thanks for the first proper answer. Sounds good, I will give it a try.
So it is better because it can do more, but I assume not too too much? Because then we can also use word?
I do not know, I don't follow this stupid shit. It has zero value. All it does it is create engagement for Reddit, which is exactly what they want.
Notepad does that neither for me and has not for >20 years. So is there something that is actually better or not?
You understand that they couldn't care less, right? I mean they vote Trump, of course they do not care about what "the other/bad side" says about them.
Is it though? I still always open notepad for random text stuff. What is better in ++?
No, it does not?
To avoid what? Why? How?