It kind of feels like he's banking on the police being supporters of his and is attempting to get them to lighten their security around the building. That would allow his protesters to pull another January 6th at the courthouse.
Considering the overwhelming majority of microplastic in water comes from car tire dust probably nothing until transportation changes worldwide.
Crispy bacon on sandwiches and floppy bacon for breakfast. This is the way.
Americans are way too smart to fall for such a ruse... Right guys? Guys?
Probably ketchup
How can this possibly be an evolutionary advantage? Nature is wild.
I have a feeling that there are a lot of people out there who are no longer testing when they get sick or just not telling people when they have covid. Most places of employment stopped COVID sick time pay in the US and people who aren't going to get paid if they are out are going to show up when they're sick.
Why is percent written out as 2 words? It's infuriating...
That show was way better than it had any business being.
This is the way.
That's a scarecrow!
Gotta flip it upside down.