
joined 2 months ago
[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I get this behavior as well... but for me it is on my "personal" gallery that i made with a long convoluted name to prevent anybody form using the same name... so basically just another form of this "public gallery" you talk about. any image in here marked as NSFW will always be blurred, no matter how many time i tick the box to undo this. Maybe a browser issue? i am on "Edge".

[–] 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

yes, i was hoping it was saved per character so i could take the characters out on a side quest where the secondary characters becomes the main character and develop memories that are not privy to the first main character... not sure if this is even a thing, if they share memories i just would not want the main character in chat1 to react in a way that comes from memories with the side character in chat2. not a big deal as i said, i was mostly just thinking out oud and wondering how it all works under the hood. I do however have a new question based on this, can i remove a side character from the chat some how? and if so can i add them back in later and all the lore / memories / what ever will remember them just based on the character name? and if this is true, if i made a second character with the same name but radically different personality, and load them in the chat what would happen?

[–] 4 points 2 months ago

YES free and slow is far better, never hear a complaint from me about this.


How can I get a multi character chat setup such that all the characters involved develop long term memories. and further get them all to share a common lore file.