Putting "CCP shills" and Nazis together like that is a hell of a choice.
Pick a closed source/cloud-based RSS reader. They usually include a bunch of news/topic-based feeds built in. Not recommended for daily use, but it's a good way to get started (make your picks then export everything into an app like Read You). From there your list can grow organically.
I feel your pain. Aside from being slow as balls despite modern hardware, my Windows PC has a habit of occasionally locking up when I RIGHT CLICK on something T_T
Then it takes several minutes of no start menu/task bar, no trackpad gestures, no file explorer, etc before everything goes back to normal... for a few seconds before explorer crashes again. The only solution is a reboot.
I'm genuinely scared of doing anything on this machine.
Exactly! If it was just magic, things seem underwhelming all of a sudden - like why couldn't you give zebras wings or laser vision? Why not have a grizzly bear with chainsaw arms on wheels? No ant computers or space octopuses? Makes nature seem arbitrarily limited and uncreative (and cruel) in comparison to what unlimited magic could accomplish.
(Just to be clear, this is not an argument against God since you could always just say "god set nature up to allow for natural evolution and has reasons for not going all out with creativity" - it's unfalsifiable but you could believe that)
Biological evolution
- The Bugle (satire about the news)
- The Deprogram (far left politics, very funny hosts)
- Blowback (documentary style show about US interventions in different places - more interesting than it sounds)
- Radiolab (sciencey stuff)
This was a very interesting read
So they just threw out the results of a free and fair election because one candidate was just too good at social media campaigning? Democracy ftw
CEO assassination vlogs
You couldn't get more "clear cut" than what Israel is doing. It's also a matter of degree. Invading another country is bad, but it is not a holocaust.
Besides, boycotting Russian products makes no sense in the West given that they are already sanctioned to hell. You'd have to go out of your way to send them money.
Important to note, looks like the server component is not self-hostable (and the client doesn't E2E encrypt).