I would be absolutely thrilled to try mdma therapy. Too bad maps keeps getting blocked by legislature with big pharma in their pockets
Tons of people here are going to say yes and that your dad is a pos. This is a question with life long implications, that you're asking strangers. Do you want validation for cutting your dad out of your life? Cause that's all youll get here. Only you know the answer to this question
Elon has such little boy shoulders. Seriously, he looks like an old lady pushing a walker trying to hold up that saw
I hope your dick falls off big mo
My favorite part is the "leader " is just some rando in boardies
She forgot the classic "that's my purse, I don't know you" nut shot technique
You want children to vote?? Children will vote for whomever their parents vote for.
Jfc were beyond repair
Have you tried actual otc hemorrhoid cream?
If you're young enough the trades are definitely a good idea. If you're 35 yo or older I wouldn't risk it, for one youll be paid very very low starting out, two the trades are very hard on your body, and this is coming from a guy that switched to the trades late in life.
Hang in there dude or dudette. Youll be ok in the end
"Trump dies in fatal Boeing crash, after rushing its production" is a headline id love to see
Addiction is a slippery slope. All it takes is one time and you're back at it. Not worth the risk in my opinion. Yes he deserves to live his life, but he also took that opportunity away from another human. Way too big of a liability to be free