
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

The best part about going with the vape. Is that I can use it in my condo now. I never wanted to smoke in here because I didn't want to stink up the whole building. Even though some of my neighbors do occasionally. But I just don't want to be that guy and I also don't want to annoy my wife who doesn't like the smell..

She didn't notice when I did it in the other room. She didn't notice when I did it in the kitchen next to the living room. And then she didn't even notice when I was doing it on the couch next to her because she was on her phone instead of watching TV. So I'd say that's a win!

[–] 5 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I never thought running commentary on a movie watch would be so entertaining.

My daily... (

Since the slow start of a community here I might as well throw some stuff up here to fatten the numbers...

I am an alignment tech by day and music enthusiast 24/7. Been in the biz for 30 years. Seen all kinds of fads come and go. I like to cherry pick, mix and match, and try to come up with my own thing.

Being in the biz so long, and slowly turning into a tree hugging hippy who loves bicycles... I've grown out of love with cars, but I do still appreciate them. And for now I'm stuck driving this as it's paid for, and it'll run another 20 years as long as the rust doesn't take it. I've never had much opportunity and money to have a project car. I would of I could though.

Either way, I enjoy messing about with the look of my daily from time to time. The current guise. Not bad even when filthy.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

By demons, be driven.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Hell. That was 2001. Someone post Cliche Kitty while we're at it

fb is the father...

[–] 7 points 2 years ago

I prefer Doom Metal.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

Day dosing more like it.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I don't even know what a dosing capsule is. The research I've done on this was read a few threads here so far :) Thankfully much of my intuition was close enough to get me started. I guess I'm not a total dumbass yet.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Great info and post. Thank you.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (4 children)

I got the Rogue based on others recommendations of the older smaller version. Seems to be pretty bullet proof, easy to use. I opted for a curved mouthpiece addon for the hell of it.

So I take it long slow drags are fine, and just because you're not blowing clouds, it's still fine? As in ai'm not able to handle big fat rips like that, so in my comfort zone, I'm barely blowing out anything visible. But it's way less than oil or smoke.

I do have a few mouthpeace minis laying around somewhere so I could try filtering it. Is that necessary? Or even detrimental?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (5 children)

As far as sessions. I filled the bowl 3 times and just maxed out the timer (8min I think) and landed around 370 going from as low as 300 and as high as 450. Seems to jive with a few articles I skimmed. And that seemed to taper off flavor and effectiveness and the material seemed like a good used up brown. I've been collecting spent in another jar to see if I can use it for something later and inspection to see if I'm really getting the most of it.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

So I will start with a few anecdotes. I normally smoke daily after work. A joint or two, couple bowls, etc. And I regularly vape oil cartridges in between times I can't smoke or just need to calm my anxiety.

I've never taken to the oils. Even with small hits it's always really irritated my lungs. Not that smoking doesn't, but nothing like this. Not to mention how many crappy carts I've had that leeched into the mouthpiece. Popcorn lung indeed. Ugh.

I hate to say, I kind of had a similar experience with the dry herb.

A little info on my lung health, I was a 20 year tobacco smoker, not herbs since HS. Quit tobacco 10 years ago. Started cycling, running, etc. So I have decent cardio, and smoking doesn't jive as much with this lifestyle, but you know... I don't enjoy edibles much. But I swear vaping is harder on my lungs or am I just doing it wrong?

I also got a massive headache, but I hadn't eaten anything all day until right after so...


Figured with the last few threads inspiring me to try out a dry herb vape. And I realized I knew nothing about it. But reading the manual and getting it going was easy. And I just experimented a bit and with temps. And apparently I landed in a pretty good sweet spot.

I will share some more of my experience, but I would like to hear some others more experienced takes on their usages, tips, tricks, favorite temps and getting the most out of it. Thanks!

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Ok. Thanks. I kinda thought maybe that's what it was. Just ordered my first herb vape so trying to learn all I can about it. Relevant post indeed.


Anyone using their retro machines to make music or for live use? I experimented with making live Acid music with a C64, using Mssiah, and a 303, etc. The timing of the 303 clone wanders sync too much as is but maybe adding a better midi clock like a modern drum machine to help keep it all synced.

Thought, opinions?


Jack says: "sup?"


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