I wasn't aware of that distinction about the energy for the laser to generate the heat energy within the reaction not being factored into the Q value, very interesting, thank you! Would that energy for the laser still be required in a "stable reaction" continuously, or would it be something that would "trail off"?
I didn't see any mention of the output in the article. 22MW injected, but does anyone know if the reaction was actually generating a positive output?
No! This is straight up Hell material, not Heck!
Thanks Hawkeye!
Sure. You can move it to Alabama, or Florida.
Many years ago I remember having this very same feeling about taking a left turn at an intersection. It was a smooth turn, maybe it was about the rate at which I accelerated and returned the wheel to the centre position, the car didn't jolt it any way... so I just felt extra proud about myself on that.
While I very much hope that this finally happens, I can't help but think that these labels are kinda not very clear. Too many "levels"/distinctions to make, and not enough visual queues to indicate them. But then again, I'm no graphics designer!
And you can tell right away which one of them is Chris Hadfield!
Maybe it's so overloaded that the sides started buckling and they figured that would fix it? In any event, yeah, that'll fix it!
It's the only way to be sure.