I think it would be cold I don’t know would a human size piece of space debris burn up?
Do rockets aim straight up as they try to leave earth, why don’t they burn up on exit too
The weight of the device let’s say is 20 bananas and so that makes 2 fit astronauts and a stoner. Nobody knows why the stoner was on the space station to begin with.
If you fall straight down so I guess that means straight down is still like 24000 mph or whatever the earth is rotating… but if you slow yourself down would you still burn up?
What is it that makes you “burn up” on reentry? Is any of that avoided if you can decelerate yourself from going sideways… apologies I don’t know what to call it but you are like a baseball at that point going sideways across the yard relative to flat ground on earth I think.
Edit: that’s really cool though if you are saying we only need a few backpacks of oxygen to burn ourselves up though
Right but we have the oxygen. Which direction should we jump? If we jumped forward we wouldn’t run into it again but we could get further away faster if we jumped away I think
Im trying to answer my question but I’m obviously not smart enough
Are you the stoner? One of you can be Neil degrass Tyson? That physics dude… Astro or even heck it could be Stephen hawking or anyone you probably need Superman to be one of the friends present okay we have to assume the people are strapped together and can hold the magic device lol no X-men, unless is that cool marvel guy who is like the flash in the dc universe
I was trying to link to a comment in the thread
Someone made a random post and it’s Saturday night and I think I can ask anything here the article is political I guess or about current events let me know if I need to redo the post and how to link to comments… should it be a screenshot of the comments instead maybe so you can’t see the original post?
Is it worse to go sideways into the atmosphere or straight down?
(Assuming you had the however many years of oxygen with you to make the journey, etc.)
I assume it would be better to just stay on the station and enjoy the sunsets and moonrises and I bet you get random eclipses too
Just asking because… if I have the oxygen maybe I could use it to lower my velocity of orbit or whatever speed that high is called until I fall straight down.
I don’t know how velocity works if I was going sideways at 17,000 mph and I sprayed the oxygen in front of me I would probably start to fall faster immediately that’s weird gravity and shit, I don’t know the correlation between gravity and speed
10 mph per second … per second? It accelerates so maybe close enough
Would it help if the station was in geosynchronous orbit