It's important to remember that he is certainly still very good at chess, even if he cheated in some games. He wouldn't need to have every move given to him, it might even be enough to give him a single signal that there is a non-obvious great move in a current position. Even just knowing that would probably be enough for him to find it by himself.
Only if we find a convenient Mass Relay. Otherwise it's The Expanse for us.
Good on ya, assuming I'm American (I'm not). Also, classic use of US bad, therefore Russia/China good. Two countries can be overmilitarized imperialists at the same time.
haha yeah or maybe China is an imperialist military dictatorship.
I bought it from Kula Tactical. Took a couple of months to get to me, but I got it eventually. Seems it's out of stock there now, though.
Running works the same for me.
I'm still waiting for Silk Song, if that counts.
Here's a version scaled by population (deaths per 100,000 residents). I'm no expert in this kind of thing, so I didn't account for other factors, such as age groups. Also, the data I found using the source in the original graph only went up to 2021, and didn't include 2017 for some reason.
I'm still not capable of getting a decent, smooth white. This is four thin layers, but I must be doing something wrong.
I've got a couple of Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes, which are my "good ones". Additionally, a bunch of old Citadel brushes in various conditions for when that's good enough.
The Fight Phase happens in two subphases. First all units with the Fights First rule can fight, and then all other eligible units. In both cases, the player whose turn it ISN'T chooses first, then it alternates. However, the defending player often doesn't have any units with Fights First, which is most commonly gained by charging, so in praxis the attacking player usually can go first.