[off topic]
From the movie Cherry 2000. In the movie the hero has just lost his sex robot and is trying to date human women for the first time in a while.
[off topic]
From the movie Cherry 2000. In the movie the hero has just lost his sex robot and is trying to date human women for the first time in a while.
Remember when Trump got rid of the White House pandemic office?
Because Trump was a great business man who knew how to save money.
[off topic?]
I started reading the book "Gone Girl" and noped out after the first chapter because I couldn't stand the yuppie narrator. Then I saw the film and loved it. Next I read some more books by the same writer and came to realize that she's a great writer who can create really horrible characters.
Writer was so good she made me not read her book.
You might want to look up a movie called "Network.'
It went from cutting edge satire to staid docudrama in real time.
The original laws were written in broadcast days. Even if we had it today, so many people get their news from privately produced videos that there'd always be a huge number of deliberately uninformed people.
As a native New Yorker I've had the 'pleasure' of watching his media circus for longer than I care to remember.
Now you're just moving the goal posts.
Unless you're saying that no anarchist ever did direct action.
They'll have to do a lot of erasing.
Trump was talking about getting rid of NATO after going to the old Soviet Union in the 1980s.
And he took millions from the Russians.
I write about the Fairness Doctrine all the time.
Someone commented that they thought it was a terrible idea, because a Flat Earther would be given time.
People today are so used to propaganda that they can't even imagine what a level playing field looks like.
First thing you learn in swimming rescue.
If you are trying to help a drowning victim and they grab on to you, push yourself deeper underwater. The victim will let go and keep trying to get to the air.