That's awesome (and disturbing!) How do you tell the difference between this and club fungi?
A few more pics
Looks like shaggy inkcap (Coprinus comatus). Fun fact: after it's picked it turns into black goo very quickly!
Supposedly (disclaimer - don't trust my IDs I am just a random person on the internet!) they're edible.... but mushroom flavour :(
What magic would this one do?
I don't think I'd want to eat these, they're too beautiful! And quite small and probably slimy.
They change colour as they mature from the green that you see here to a bright yellow - they look particularly good at the in-between stage.
That's a good question about the colour- quite a lot of the waxcaps are very colourful but they're not usually poisonous. They're quite rare in the UK as they tend to only grow on undisturbed soil that hasn't been fertilised - graveyards are a good place to spot them!
I'm pretty sure the fingery stuff is Xylaria hypoxylon - candlesnuff fungus (dead man's fingers is usually chonkier / more rounded at the end and darker colour). I don't think the orange stuff is slime mould - looks like slime flux or something fungal to me.
That sounds pretty good, I'll have to try a vegan version of that!
Ah thank you for this and apologies - I was a bit suspicious about how 'Hungarian' the recipe truly was but that's what it was called in the cookbook! I'd love to try some authentic recipes so if you have any that you'd like to share that would be amazing
Phew! I was worried you were crunching on some spinach ice lollies there! Great idea, thanks for sharing
So the spinach pellets.... please explain! Are these pre-microwave..?
Beautiful work!