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Creating the right character in Skyrim ... given my history of creating immaculate Fallout characters, this seems plausible.
As a resident of British Columbia, I would support this with the sole condition that we all use only the metric system.
Now see, I'm no commie - but with bangers like this, I'm fastracking into the mouth of the pipeline.
Wait, you can spruce it up? I've been running it stock for a year now. The design grew on me because it was installed on all the old desktops in my highschool, and I've had it on my laptop ever since.
My library gives out paper due-date receipts, so its was meant to be.
You smell like cheese
Who would win, a claymore roomba or a claymore roomba?
Its too bad - there went my hope to see his character arc.
Sound like a good idea, I'll do that, thank you.