
joined 2 years ago

Florida is a place where many people do not have enough to eat, many people sleep in the street, and families even kill or sell their children because of the challenges associated with having mouths to feed. Even the markets of sex work, narcotics, and organied crime have become saturated because the lack of opportunities for locals make these the only viable methods of making a living. It may sound like a typical capitalistic society with many people needing to either sell drugs or their bodies, but there are a few reasons this part of the country is at such an extreme level of destitution.

First is the most obvious being the reactionary politicians that despise any working class person that lives here. liberals talk about local politics or whatever but this is a different conversation and assumes that the system is democratic. The political situation has turned Florida into a hellish place to live or exist, even worse than being dead. So many locals wish a nuclear bomb was dropped on Florida to end all of our suffering. The only way to fix the problems Florida has is to destroy it in nuclear fire.

Besides the obvious political reasons, Florida is also designed not for locals but for tourists and retired people. Landlords also like to come here and price out the locals which means that the people unfortunate enough to be born in this state have to try and survive on low paying tourism work, and many opportunities presented such as trade schools or college are inert because of costs associated or organization of education and classes that is so bad, that many people who desire to join such courses are simply unable to because the coordination of them is ridiculously poor. Local employment offices are even outright refusing to help people get into education (Which they barely did before) and obviously, they cannot place people into employment because workers have no rights and there is no organization in capitalist society that can guarantee employment for citizens.  Even specialists such as doctors or skilled labor are brought in from other parts of the world because the regime would rather bring in skilled immigrants from abroad than train the local population or give them the funds and support they would require to study in college. The state is extremely poor and governed by insane extremist reactionaries with very little hope of the situation improving.


Our Korean friends in the DPRK are helping Russia to defeat the Ukraine western puppet regime of Zelensky and finally bring an ending to this long, horrible drawn out war that has displaced and caused the deaths of so many people. When NATO and western imperialists provoked Russia into starting this war, they became responsible for the countless atrocities we have seen as well as the genocide of Russian speakers in Dontesk and Luhansk. The west is also full of rightists who refuse to say that Crimea is Russian.

And before someone goes on about how I am supporting a reactionary state be imperialist, Ukraine was acting in favor of western imperialism. At the beginning of the war opinions were split, but now that the true Korean nation is involved on the side of Russia, I feel that the choice is obvious about who is right here. Korea does not miss when it comes to foreign policy. They do not even recognize Israel as a legitimate state since its founding, and continue to be a role model when it comes to leftism and how it should operate in the world. They are a nation not afraid to get tough on reactionaries and forcefully re-educate them, which is such a great improvement compared to the US where they are just made into billionaires or encouraged to run for president.

While many leftist would feel opposed to things going on in Russia or countries supporting them in the war such as Iran, the anti-imperialist understands that fighting against the United States and western hegemony in the modern day is progressive in its own way regardless of the circumstances around it. The US empire is destined to fall apart as well as its colonies in Taiwan, Israel, and South Korea. Liberalism will fail and real comrades will be waiting to create a real system that does not allow reactionaries and class enemies to run around freely, causing problems and exploitation for the innocent people of society.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

What I asked was "Is he really a cartoonishly evil stereotype" and I'm not asking if he was evil or not because he was, but I was more talking about how his hatred for America and his desire to do bad things to the US government did not come into existence randomly or out of nowhere. He did not just hate the west "For their freedom" but his susceptibility to be radicalized and indoctrinated into Islamic terrorism is because of the very real grievances inflicted upon the middle east. Your answer is right, but I think it's focusing too much on whether or not he was evil as opposed to the characterization we see in the west where the government takes no responsibility for their own contributions to the violence.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

If we look at the man himself and his radical ideology it's about forceful conversion of the western world to Islam since he is an Islamic terrorism, but as an anti-imperialist I want to bring focus the responsibility of the US government in providing training, weapons, and public support to Bin Laden as well as creating huge injustices around the world that cause people like Bin Laden to eventually become radicalized and engage in these kinds of attacks.

The oppression of Palestine also plays a role in hatred for America and Israel, even if people then use that hatred to support ideologies such as the one that Osama advocates. Studying how the US operates around the world, I do not agree with Osama Bin laden or his actions but it is easy to see how the US regime creates so many enemies for itself which calls into question their actions and motivations.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

Osama Bin laden is a very controversial figure, and the United States government went from calling him a liberation hero to sending operatives to neutralize him with a grenade. Don’t read if this offends you. I am not promoting his ideas since they are based on radical islam and ideologically incompatible with my political ideas, but I will be discussing his legacy and why he is so controversial.

While I never advocate violence, it must be mentioned that Osama’s plan included sending a plane into the white house to destroy it. In the 2000’s this would be a great tragedy, but in modern times where liberalism has less of an ideological monopoly, I think there would be more diverse reactions to seeing the white house on fire or severely damaged by an explosion. Obviously we’re not criminals, but imagine that you are oppressed by the regime your entire life and suddenly some islamic terrorist sends a plane into the white house and causes a bunch of destruction. Are you sad? Are you going to lose any sleep? Do you care? What if it was even the Trump Tower? We even have a historical precedent for extremists attacking the white house since the rightists broke inside and flew the confederate flag in there. People weren’t sad, they were entertained. 

While it’s obviously wrong to commit terrorism, the government continues to motivate it by continuing the existence of Israel. Obviously in the 2000’s the politicians were talking about how the situation was an attack on liberty and democracy, but nowadays that feels like pushing political beliefs onto us. The United States government needs to learn that just because someone attacked them doesn’t mean they’re good.

I did some research on radicalization the other day, and they said that the main factor in a person being radicalized is society refusing to acknowledge an injustice. Once I heard that, I had to wonder if society is doing this on purpose. The modern liberal society creates so much poverty and marginalization of various people and then refuses to acknowledge how they created such a situation. They have Gaza in ruins and blame Palestinians for their own genocide. They have all of us living in a society that makes us think we’re crazy for tracing our issues back to the policies and actions of the state. I have not been ignoring the elephant in the room that Bin Laden killed so many people, but I find that the government wants us to focus on the innocent people he killed rather than the people he was targeting that are arguably less innocent. Our politicians, the pentagon, and the zionist American government don’t want people to see Osama’s attacks as a consequence of their foreign policy, because that would lead us to stop thinking like good citizens of the regime. If you’re reading this from anywhere in the continental US, you are probably a marginalized person with injustices against you that society is unwilling to acknowledge, let alone improve the situation. Since injustice going unacknowledged is the prerequisite for radicalization, that means the majority of the working class population is ripe for it. That might be scary if you support the government, but exciting to some who realize the days of the US regime are numbered.

When Osama Bin Laden’s letter to America went viral with people realizing they have been living a lie, the regime censored it because it made people realize how their government makes them unsafe by engaging in endless violence and imperialism. Osama Bin Laden was an islamic terrorist and of course tried to preach to us, so I got a bit annoyed when he complained about intoxicants and tried to convert us like some unwanted missionary at the doorstep of our house. However, he is surprisingly progressive when it comes to Palestine and says some things that people need to hear that would be physically impossible for a US politician to say or even come close to acknowledging. When you live in a society that teaches you middle eastern people hate us “for our freedom” or that hating people is “Just a part of their culture” this eye opening caused many people in the US to realize that their entire lives were built on lies. Liberalism has no way to reconcile itself with the realities of US imperialism, so his letter exists as an exit point to the brainwashing and oversocialization put onto us by the regime. 

I would encourage you to take a look at his letter, and let me know if Bin Laden was truly this cartoonishly evil stereotype hating America for no good reason. Especially during a time when Zionist genocide is visible all over social media, I’m sure you guys can provide an interesting answer to that question.


When dealing with oversocialized liberals, they are so terrified to do anything that goes against the system but claim to be progressive or revolutionary in some way. I am so tired of these people, I wish they would just say they are a bunch of subdued conformists. They tell me that my ideas would be authoritarian, destructive, or evil. However I can tell that if I was in a position of some kind of political power, they would be sucking it up and just telling people that this is the way it is when they actually want to do something. Their ideology pretends to be against the ruling class while in reality they are trapped inside of their own ideology. Not having elections is a dictatorship to them. Having some mechanism to prevent money in politics that is not controlled by elections is dictatorship. Evicting landlords and gentrifiers is dictatorship. Well I want a dictatorship then. If they don’t like it, they better vote very hard since they are ideologically against protesting, revolution, or even speaking out against the state outside of constraints that keep their ideology within liberalism.

So what would they do if our comrades took power? Absolutely nothing. Probably complain that we are authoritarian. Do you know why I don't need to work with these people? Because they have no potential to politically theorize or even engage in the most basic praxis. The next time a liberal tells me that I am an authoritarian, promoting destructive ideas, or destroying society by radicalizing people, I’m just going to ask them what they are going to do about it that isn’t authoritarian. They can ban me from their groups but there are more. They can publicly denounce me but to the people who agree with me more would then be polarized towards my side. Their ideology’s inherent inability to stop opposing ideologies is by design, so the two party system can exist, and it’s why we now live under reactionary ideas and why authoritarian leftism outside of their control is booming in comparison to previous decades. The liberals believe in freedom of speech and are ideologically opposed to using any kind of force or authoritarianism so that’s all out of the question too. Despite their denunciations or contempt they have for our comrades, they cannot even provide a suitable alternative for those seeking radical change.

As much as I encourage them to do something to silence me or stop me, I know they won’t do it because they know on some level they should take that energy and use it against those who actually pose a danger to them, to the rights of trans people and the regime that continues to terrorize the country. Their shallow support for vaguely liberal capitalism means nothing compared to revolutionary leftism, and until they break free from their oversocialization they can accomplish absolutely nothing, let alone actually pose a threat to the current regime they live under.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I can't argue with anything you are saying and I honestly agree, but I believe that continuing to propagandize leftism will be ultimately good for the masses and can cause chaos which will frustrate the regime and disrupt the society. If I can just reach people who are burning with passion to do something against the system, I can give them the knowledge they need to get ideas of what they should do. I personally hate America so I will continue spreading anti-American and anti-government ideas as well.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I am propagandizing in favor of left-wing ideas and working to reach and spread the ideology online to those who are receptive. I find the average liberal not worth trying to interact with because they are so resistant to any real leftist ideas. I am advocating things that are good for the masses but I am trying to encourage activism and other progress to be made in ways that do not require approval from the masses which are overwhelmingly liberal and resistant to authoritarianism.

[–] 0 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I agree, but I think the liberals are too over socialized to participate in leftism in groups which makes this the next logical thesis. A high number of lone wolfs is also preferable to a single organization in regards to making suppression difficult and keeping the movement of actors difficult to predict by authorities.


The society we live in is full of hypocritical people and liberals that refuse to acknowledge injustices such as poverty, gentrification, landlordism, or even imperialism. Marxism-Leninism is an ideology about liberating the masses, but what if the masses don’t even want to acknowledge the injustices against us because they are scared of any potential change? I am no longer a Marxist-Leninist because I do not want to work alongside the masses. If we’re being honest, talking to the normies about politics just shows how intensely the liberal psyche is scared of anything radical, and they deny the injustices committed against the working class. Communists are good and their ideology has its merits so we should listen to it, but it falls apart without a certain amount of support. It has its failures not in theory but in practice. People are not logical, and the groups and ideologies that have people doing things we would consider adventurist or morally wrong are actually more successful. Socialists are so meticulous and it even backfires on them in a society like America where people just want a channel for their rage and a group of people to hate and blame for their problems. We could so easily direct hatred towards the ruling class if we just made it easier to be a leftist.

I can already hear the typical socialist thinking that I have betrayed leftism by encouraging lone wolf theorists and activists, which fundamentally goes against the established principles. I don’t like that this is the best option either, but no amount of propagandizing we can do will be enough to outcompete the liberal propaganda machine that owns all the news, all of the media, and creates the worldview that the US government is legitimate. We cannot just propagandize for the entirety of our activism because so many people have no potential to be useful to the movement. Irrational human behavior and thought processes caused by liberalism is the nail in the coffin to any ideology based on facts or logic. Join a political space and try talking to the liberals about a revolution. It’s going to end with “Not having elections is evil“ and “That’s authoritarian”. Stop waiting for members because when people with potential see left-wing activism in person it will become real to them, and inspire more even if it is seemingly futile.

 It is also easier to talk with people that are not as ideologically rigid and would care more about fighting the bourgeoisie than making sure everyone in their organization is ideologically matched to the group, which almost never happens and stops leftists from doing anything before they can even begin. Group socialists will even purge me for things as small as liking the unabomber, wanting to pillage the homes of the bourgeois, or encouraging abortions to make the US population collapse. They don’t even want me to call myself a socialist with these opinions. Even if my comrades think I am tripping or crazy, the benefit of being a lone wolf leftist is I don’t need them to agree. As a lone wolf theorist I will likely make socialism more palatable and more accessible to those who don’t have people they can form organizations with.

Another benefit of being a lone wolf leftist is that by being a “Lone Wolf” as described by radicalization experts, is that you do not need to seek any approval or ideological agreement with other leftists for any kind of activism. Lone Wolf Leftism is also beneficial in legal and political matters because the police cannot go and raid communist party headquarters and other lone wolf leftists cannot be persecuted if another person attacks landlords or class enemies. If you are propagandizing through social media, lone wolf ideologies are actually even more effective at reaching people than collectivist organizations which have vetting and established principles. I will of course address the elephant in the room that class enemies use this kind of strategy to propagandize, but as a leftist, you would be contributing to the economic benefit of the working class and the proletariat in general.

If you are interested in becoming a lone wolf leftist, I welcome you to begin posting theory online or consuming theory and Marxist ideas. As a lone wolf, your goals are not the same as typical Marxism. You should create propaganda that reaches the largest number of people and provokes the largest amount of engagement and anger towards the ruling class and the regime. Some will hate us but if they talk about lone wolf leftism, even to curse it, that brings attention and outside knowledge about the movement. However, you must intentionally not form groups and distance yourself from any other leftist organization because that makes you guys potentially responsible for each others’ actions and can give the government an easier time trying to accuse you of crimes or collaboration. 

 Any person who fights against imperialism and colonialism, poverty and exploitation, America and Israel is welcome in this movement.


The liberals say that it is evil to spread ideas such as landlords being evicted by force or that the masses should use non-democratic or alternative methods to stop their communities from being gentrified. Despite me never advocating violence, I am still considered evil and dangerous for these ideas by the liberals, who think the solution for gentrification is to pack up and leave. I take a different approach.The legal and political systems are failing us, but the masses could take it upon themselves to form activist organizations to evict the gentrifiers of their communities. 

Here in Florida specifically there is also the retiree community and tourists buy up land and cause the locals to be stuck in a life of servitude in low paying jobs and no opportunities for education so they can leave. If the properties are owned by landlords or non-working class people from out of state, the masses could come together and either evict them and take their property back from them, or failing that the community could petition their local governing body to demolish or burn down buildings or businesses that belong to the landlord and gentrifier class. This is extreme, but would prevent other capitalists from coming down here to try and mess up our economy. City hall would obviously need to be pressured to allow us to destroy buildings owned by the class they protect, but by focusing on local politics we decrease the amount of activism and support necessary to accomplish these goals in defense of the working class.

Of course, building socialism is not so easy as burning down a few buildings and kicking undesirable people out of our communities. We must make sure that our local proletarian economy - now free from parasites - is equipped to provide healthcare, education, and opportunities for those who have taken their community back from gentrification.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

My idea of technocracy is a one-party state with experts giving them data to make policy decisions and not necessarily the experts themselves being in charge. I also am going at this from a Marxist perspective so I imagine the end result of such a system to be somewhat similar to modern China.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

In regards to the reports, I will just keep this up to explain what I actually meant since this is getting a lot of backlash and being labelled as reactionary.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

just gift cards and things, and education about how anyone born under capitalism will just provide taxes and labor to the regime and have no opportunities.

Also I was not expecting the entire lemmygrad instance to ban me from my own community over this. I am basically saying population collapse would destroy the United States.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

We can't know.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago

I really wish China was helping out militarily these days. If the US comrades had 320K Chinese fighting alongside us we would not be in such a mess today.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

I am a hierarchist, because I know it's possible to put the working class on the top, and I'm not scared to do whatever it takes to put us there.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

That would be interesting. I imagine that if humans respawned after death it would feel like being knocked out with some people having amnesia or dreams between, unless it was so instant that there would be no experience between.

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