Did you just predict unpredictable weather?
Maybe you should do a sleep study.
Hey maybe we broke up with them. We don't know.
It also doesn't show up until after you hover over the thumbnail.
Hey just FYI there is an Air tag traveling with you.
I actually find it very nice to get notifications about my toaster oven being preheated or done cooking, or being able to see how much time is left or remotely stop it.
What does the dismiss button do? Or the back button.
Just based on the messages (that could be miss leading) sounds like some features will not work.
Oh come on phones are water proof now stop making excuses.
The real football
The nuclear one?
Technically the legal stream tell you.
Cat owners will know this is actually reversed.
Cats are like HUMAN!! It is 4AM and my food bowl isn't full.
Are green onions indestructible? I planted some in my garden and those darn things never die. It even survived the winter and grew again the following year.