
joined 11 months ago

You’re approaching this discussion from a place of certainty, but the reality of biology, language, and human variation is more complex than the rigid model you’re presenting.

A few key points:

  1. If sex is strictly XX = woman and XY = man, how do you explain the people who don’t fit that?

1 in 50 people has a variation of sex development (VSD). That’s not an anomaly, but a substantial population.

Genetic chimerism, which is rarely tested for, suggests as many as 12% of people have mixed chromosomal expressions—that’s 3 in every 25 people who do not neatly fit XX or XY.

Any woman who has ever had a child is a genetic chimera, because she retains some of her child’s DNA, meaning many women carry male DNA within their bodies.

If sex were as simple as XX/XY, these biological realities wouldn’t exist. But they do, and they complicate the notion that sex is an unchangeable binary.

  1. If hormones don’t affect biological sex, why do they permanently alter the body?

Puberty is a hormonal process. It reshapes bodies, voices, muscle structure, brain development, and reproductive function.

If sex were truly "fixed," introducing testosterone or estrogen wouldn’t fundamentally change these same traits in adults. But it does.

So which is it? If hormones don’t influence sex, then puberty doesn’t matter either. If they do, then transitioning alters biological characteristics in ways that contradict your claims.

  1. If language is purely "natural evolution," why has it been deliberately changed by societies and governments throughout history?

Modern Italian was not a natural evolution—it was imposed on Italy’s diverse dialects by the state.

After WWI, German was banned in schools and public institutions in parts of the U.S.

The French government has actively tried to suppress regional languages like Breton and Occitan to enforce a singular linguistic identity.

These weren’t "organic" shifts—they were deliberate policy changes. If language only changes on its own, these documented historical events should not have been possible.

If entire nations have altered their linguistic structures through conscious intervention, why would the evolution of gendered language be any different?

  1. You argue that intersex people are "rare," but rarity does not erase reality.

Left-handed people make up about 10% of the population—a minority, but we don’t dismiss their existence because they aren’t the majority.

The number of people with red hair is lower than the percentage of intersex people, yet no one claims red hair is "unnatural."

Statistical frequency doesn’t determine what is real. Something doesn’t need to be common to be biologically significant.

  1. The pattern in your responses suggests you are more emotionally invested in this topic than you claim.

You’ve repeatedly expressed personal relief that trans people are not common in your area. That’s not a neutral scientific observation—that’s a personal bias.

You dismiss contradictory biological realities by calling them "defects" rather than engaging with what they actually mean.

You insist this discussion is about "logic," yet when presented with genetic, medical, and linguistic evidence, you shift the argument rather than addressing the inconsistencies.

If you want to engage with this topic honestly, you’ll have to account for these contradictions instead of sidestepping them. If your argument is strong, it should be able to withstand scrutiny. If it can’t, then maybe the issue isn’t with the facts—it’s with the assumptions you started with.

[–] 9 points 9 months ago

They are working with a team that is also working to recreate fallout 1. They are sharing resources. Vault 13 it's called

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Well you can also do what I do which is select the most expensive options. Figure out everything then copy the details onto a free file option and never pay them.

[–] 17 points 10 months ago

My retirement plan is a heroine overdose. I'll try to do better than that, but I'm not expecting much.

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (4 children)

I think we need staggered term limits. Make it so you can only serve up to two terms in a row and then you are forced to take a term off. No lifetime appointments.

That and approval voting from federal to local elections.

[–] 26 points 10 months ago

Clip dragonfly models to wire rods. Scares the ever living crap out of anything that flies.

[–] 10 points 10 months ago

Nah. That's why I use an android. Extensions go burrr on android firefox.

[–] 2 points 10 months ago

No, what we need is for all politicians to have served as teachers, professional childcare providers or medical professionals for at least five years before they can run for federal or state office.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago

Not a max wage. A max multiple of minimum wage.

You can only ever make more than 5x/10x/etc… the minimum wage. They want more money? Then everyone needs to make more money.

They can feel free to increase their riches, but tie it exclusively to the rest of the population.